Chapter 3. Romeo & Juliet

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Annie's POV

"I'm so nervous." Katie said as we walked towards the office.

"Don't be, I'm sure we made it." I said as I stopped in front of the gymnastics tryout results.

I scanned the list and saw my name and Katie's. We made it!

"We're in!" I squealed.

Katie and I squealed with excitement as we hugged each other.

"What's going on?" I heard Brennan ask from behind us. I guess he just came up.

"Brennan, hey! We both made the gymnastics team!" I exclaimed with excitement.

"That's great Annie and Katie!" Brennan said as we hugged each other.

"Aww." Katie cooed from behind us.

Brennan and I immediately jumped off each other.

"It was just a hug, Katie." Brennan said as I nodded in agreement.

"I know, but you two would make such a cute couple." Katie smiled at us as we both felt kinda awkward in this situation.

Then the warning bell rang.

"Well, gotta go, see you guys next period!" Katie waved as began to walk away.

As Brennan and I walked down the hallway towards band, I didn't realize his hand had slipped into mine.

I blushed and squeezed his hand as we entered the hallway.

When we got into the band room, I headed to my locker and got out my flute as Brennan got out his trumpet (we had our instrument fitting on Monday).

As I sat down in my seat, I looked behind me at the saxophone section and realized Sydney wasn't there. She wanted to give me a ride after school today so we could get some food and hang out for a while before I went on my 'date' with Brennan:

I quickly walked over to Brennan and asked him if he saw Sydney.

He shook his head. "Not today, no. We can ask Luke later."

"Yeah, I have third period Spanish with him." I said before heading back to my seat.

The bell rang just as I sat down, and Mr. Glen came up to the front of the room.

"Good morning, class, and happy Friday. Today we will be practicing some scales." Mr. Glen greeted before conducting us.

No matter what we did in this class, I had fun. I think band was going to be one of my new favorite hobbies.


"Luke, hey!" I said as I walked into Spanish.

He smiled at me before I gave him a hug.

"How are you?" He asked me.

"Good, thanks. I was wondering if Sydney was here today?" I asked as I took a seat across from him.

He nodded. "Yeah, she had an orthodontist appointment during first and second period today, so she came during third I think." Luke explained.

"Okay, cool, because she was going to give me a ride today after school so we could hang out." I replied.

Luke nodded again and asked, "Cool. Mind if I tag along?"

"Not at all, just double check with Sydney." I answered just as the bell rang.

At the beginning of the year, Katie and Caleb warned me about Señora Rodriguez, and how she always seemed to have a bit of a temper, and not to get on her bad side. So, I tried avoiding to talk to her as much as possible.

"Señorita Julianna, please demonstrate with a partner this mini skit on page seven." Señora Rodriguez said out of nowhere.

"Señora Rodriguez, I prefer to be called Annie, and may I do it with Luke?" I said politely.

She nodded and apologized before Luke and I headed up to the front of the classroom.

As I looked through the skit, I realized it was a mini Spanish version of Romeo and Juliet.

"Alright, uno, dos, y tres, go!" Señora Rodriguez said.

I cleared my throat and began, "O Romeo, Romeo, ¿por qué eres Romeo? Negar a tu padre y rehusar tu nombre; O si no quieres, serás jurado mi amor y ya no seré un Capuleto. ¿Oiré más o hablaré de esto?"

"¿Oiré más o hablaré de esto?" Luke asked.

"Tú eres tu enemigo; tú eres tú mismo, aunque no un Montague." I finished.

The class and Señora clapped at our skit. When we sat down, I couldn't help but feel this...I don't know how to explain it, but I felt feelings toward Luke after our skit.

That's when I realized I wasn't acting as someone who loved Luke.

I actually did.

A/N: I told you the triangle was starting to develop! Annie now feels toward Luke and Brennan, uh oh!
Hope you enjoyed this chapter though, because it's been a while since I update.
If you did, please don't forget to vote, comment, and share because I love your feedback!
Thanks guys, until next time ;)

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