Chapter 5

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I’ll say it again, Harry’s voice really sounds good. It feels like I am in a trance, trapped by his mesmerizing voice, not being able to look away. That is until Liam speaks up.

“I don’t really know how to say this but he sounds a bit different today, don’t you think so too guys?” he asks looking at Harry intently. “You know, I was actually thinking the same thing.” Zayn says, also focusing his stare on Harry.

“Really? Does Harry usually sing differently?” I ask, curious how he would sound like singing in a different voice.

“I get a tiny feeling that he is singing with more emotion tonight, I’m not sure if that is the right way to describe it though.” Niall says pondering out loud.

“I also think that way.” Zayn says afterwards, Liam also nodds lightly in agreement.

“Maybe he found a girl this time.” Niall suddenly blurts out after a few minutes of silence. To that we all turn our head towards Niall, all having a bit of shock on our faces. “What?! I’m just making a guess. I could be wrong, which I think I am by the way.” Niall says looking back at us, shrugging his shoulders.

“Well whatever, he might have had a good day today, I’m not gonna think about it too deeply. We could all just be imagining things.” Zayn says looking back to the stage. After that everyone else again looks back at Harry, while Zayn and Niall whisper to each other once in a while.

I too turn my head towards where Harry is. And again I catch him looking at me with those greenly eyes of his. However as soon as I see him looking at me, he turns his gaze elsewhere. What the hell?! This is the second time already!! Why is he looking at me when I’m not looking at him?! Whatever, I rather not waste my time with this, besides he should almost be done now since it’s five minutes to ten already.

When Harry stopped singing because his song ended, people applaud him. Getting off his chair, he makes his way over to our table. “Good job man.” Liam complemented him while Harry sits down again. “Thanks.” Harry answers him back.

So mister now decided to speak huh? Well, let him do whatever he wants. I better play safe for the time being because I’m going to stick around with them for a while. This job pays well, but I still need to work here for a while in order to get all of my university money together.

While I take sneaky glances at Harry, I see him talking a bit with Liam. Once in a while he takes a sip from his glass of water. So he can speak normally too huh? This is probably going to take a while before I can speak with him like that.

While being deeply lost in my thoughts, I don’t notice Michelle approaching us, that is until I hear her speak. “Guys, good job tonight!! And you too Louis!! I’m glad you wanted to take this job, you have an amazing voice. Keep up the good work!!” she says with a smile on her face. “Thanks, Michelle. I had a lot of fun, never thought I would enjoy it this much.” I say to her honestly, again feeling my cheeks getting warm. It’s true, I really enjoyed singing tonight.

“I’m glad to hear that. It’s time for you guys to go now, I’ll see you all again on Wednesday, so off you go!!” she says waving her hand in the air, signaling that we can go. Then she goes towards Sandra and says something to her before walking back to her own office. Oh yeah, I forgot to mention. Zayn, Niall, Liam, Harry and me all work here on the same days. Monday, Wednesday and Friday. On Tuesday and Thursday other people are doing our job.

“Well it looks like we can leave now.” Zayn says and everyone starts to get up including me. I put on my jacket and take my guitar with me which I sling over my back. We all together walk through the bar and towards the exit.

When we get outside we say our byes to each other. To be polite, still, I also say goodbye to Harry. He only looks at me for a second but then walks off without saying anything. For a few seconds I just stand there like an idiot with my mouth open. Are you kidding me?! This guy seriously is so rude! Just a simple goodbye is too hard?!

After a few minutes of me mentally throwing curse words at him, I finally am able to compose myself. That means also closing my mouth which I just left open while being so deep in thought. Look, I’ve had met people who didn’t like me before but this is something else.

What could I have done to make him act this way towards me? “Oh shut up. You’ve literally done nothing wrong and you know it.” I mutter to myself. It’s true, he was like this from the moment he sat foot into the room at the bar.

Knowing that it’s no use to dwell on it any further, I make my way to the bus stop. Michelle was definitely right about getting used to them. By that I mean especially Harry. I still remember the way back to the bus stop because it’s just five minutes away from here.

Since the next bus arrives in ten minutes, I decide to sit down and take out my phone. I see that I’ve got a message from my best friend, Nina. Opening it, I read:

What’s up Tommy?
I’ll be coming after you’ve finished your job at your dad’s tomorrow.
I’ll be coming at 5 and we’ll be going to Subway.
You and I have a lot of catching up to do.
I’m not taking no as an answer!!
Yours truly, Nins.


Hello angels!!!!

Another update for you guys!!!!
OMG!!!! IT SAYS 61 READS!!!!
THANK YOU SO MUCH EVERYONE!!!! It makes me super happy that people want to read this story.

Thank god its Friday. First week of school has been quite hectic and i feel done for the week.

If you guys are ever bored, check out my other story called "Unexpected changes".

Vote, comment, anything!!!

Goodbye lovely angels!!!❤

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