Chapter 18

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Just before I enter where everyone else is sitting in the bar, I take a few deep breaths. Looks like I’m starting to get nuts. Harry didn’t feel any of those sparks and it didn’t look like he felt them too. That means only I felt them, I’m thinking about going to see a doctor. Ever since I came here quite some things have happened.

I still remember how the wolf was looking at me when me and Arran were at that restaurant. Weird but every time I think about it, Harry pops up in my head too. Probably because their eyes look the same.

I sigh again and walk into the bar. Everyone is already sitting at the table specially for us. Harry and Liam are having a conversation and so are Zayn and Niall. Great, now I totally feel like a fifth wheel. I put my stuff down and make myself comfortable.

Since I’m having a bit of a headache already, I lean my head on the back of the chair and close my eyes. Gosh, I’m more tired than I thought and it’s just only Monday. Maybe I should take the day off tomorrow at mom and dad’s shop? Nah, I can’t do that, they’ll immediately think something is wrong. They tend to get worried over the slightest things but that’s why I love them so much too.

While I’m so occupied with my thoughts, I’m actually also starting to fall asleep a bit. “Louis…… Louis…………………Louis!” upon hearing my name like that I immediately jolt awake. “What!? Where?! Did something happen?!” I ask and look around me. I can see everyone looking a bit worried at me. “Uhm, are you guys alright? Why are you all looking at me like that?” I ask them, starting to feel a bit embarrassed about sleeping at my first job and on a Monday too. It’s not like me to sleep on the job. I mentally smack myself for sleeping. Stupid.

“You ok? I called your name a few times because I wanted to ask you something but you didn’t respond. Are you feeling alright?” Niall asks, looking worried. Well, everyone looks worried but especially Harry. From the corner of my eye I can see him watching me very carefully.

“Oh, sorry about that. I just have a headache so I just wanted to close my eyes but I didn’t think I would fall asleep though. Don’t worry I’m perfectly fine.” I say smiling to them, feeling really warm inside about their concern for me.

“You should just rest tonight, I’ll take over your shift.” Harry all of a sudden says. My eyes nearly fall out of their sockets. Did he just seriously say that?! “T-thank you but there is no need for that, it’s just a headache, I mean come on, its not gonna harm me.” I say to him chuckling a bit.

It’s very generous of him to do that and I’m really shocked that he said that. But there is no need to take over my shift. Seriously, what’s up with that guy, he’s acting differently.

“I’m taking over and that’s final.” He says and his voice held a tone which is quite intimidating. Afraid to talk back to him, I keep quiet and just stare at him. Correction, more like glare a bit at him. I don’t want someone else to take over my shift just because of a stupid headache, it makes me feel like I’m slacking off. I hope by just glaring at him he will change his mind but it doesn’t look like it. By just keeping looking at his eyes I slowly feel my anger subsidizing for some unkown reason.

“It’s time to go up Harry.” Liam says, breaking our staring/half glaring contest. I look away and feel my cheeks warming up. Damn those beautiful green eyes of him. Before a quick glance in my direction, Harry nods at Liam and walks up to the stage where he’s going to sing.

“Wow, that was pretty cool Louis! No one has ever done what you just did to Harry, haha it looked quite funny too.” Niall says and smiles happily at me. I just stare at Niall, shocked and confused. Zayn notices my confusion. “It’s just that Harry most of the time looks so intimidating and doesn’t like being talked back to. You’re the first one daring him with a staring contest. It’s quite a sight honestly.” He says and smiles a bit too.

Well, if that’s the case, Harry better get used to it. I mean, I’m not a confident person and I rarely do what I just did. It more depends on the situation I’m in. But now that I know these people a bit better, it’s more likely that I will express myself more to them and not be very quiet.

After that we just chill and wait. Since I’m not going to do anything tonight because of a certain someone not allowing me to, I just make myself comfortable and listen to the soothing voice of Harry.

“Hey Louis.” Niall asks after a little while. When I turn my head towards his direction I see him looking at me. “Yeah Niall?” “Uhm, I was wondering about something. I remember you saying that you worked at your dad’s shop which sells second-hand stuff. I was wondering if we can come to visit you there tomorrow?” he asks me, almost giving me those puppy eyes.

“You’re right, I did promise that. Of course you guys can come but be aware that I will be busy with other customers too. It’s usually busy so I might not have a lot of time to chat with you guys. Or you guys can come when it’s near closing time. Then you all can just look around, maybe we can do something fun afterwards too. There’s this new movie which I actually wanted to see for quite some time.” I answer him.

I kind of forgot about that promise but I’m glad he brought it up. I haven’t hung out with them except when we are here at the bar.

“Hey, that sounds like a good idea! Zayn I also wanted to see that movie for a while too, let’s go watch it together!” Niall says smiling happily at the idea. “Well, if you want to, then I can’t really object can I?” says Zayn to Niall. “Nope.” and Niall pinches Zayn’s cheek and gives him a kiss afterwards.

I smile, looking at their cute interaction with each other. Looks like I need to go to the supermarket to buy some snacks for tomorrow when they come. I also will need some soft drinks. Typical me, planning stuff beforehand, just like my dad.

I can’t wait for tomorrow, even though it’s just them coming over and watching a movie afterwards, I’m excited.

And so the evening passes by peacefully.


Hello angels!!

I'm just gonna say this but I'm also a huge fan of Ziall. There.

I actually don't have anything important to say so.....

Oh, out of curiousity, what's your favorite 1D song??

Till the next chapter!!

Vote, comment anything!!

Goodbye angels!!❤

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