Chapter 23

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Pain, pain and more pain. There is no correct way to describe the agonizing pain that I feel right now. Slowly I come to my senses a bit and the weird sounds slowly become familiar voices. However, I still don’t have the strength to open my eyes yet.

“Harry, you need to take a rest, you’ve been sitting in this chair for five days straight and haven’t done anything else. You’ve got huge bags under your eyes too, just listen for once.” Liam’s tired voice tries to convince Harry.

“No, I’m staying here until he wakes up. I need to know that he’s okay. I will not leave his side anymore. He got hit Liam! And I couldn’t save him! I can’t imagine losing him!” Harry screams frustratingly and I soon afterwards feel the familiar soothing sparks in my hand. Wow, he’s holding my hand.

“Alright, alright, I won’t force you. I’ll just get you something to drink and a snack, I’ll be back.” Liam says defeated and leaves the room by shutting the door.

I don’t really like to eavesdrop but I’m completely shocked by what Harry just said. He can’t imagine losing me, by just that I feel this unexplainable happiness and somehow the pain I’m in gets more bearable. I have to try to open my eyes.

As I try to open my eyes, I suddenly feel a pair of lips on my forehead. “Please wake up, please just open your eyes.” Harry whispers in an almost inaudible voice but I still hear it and he puts his head next to mine.

Somehow those words give me a bit of strength and slowly I am greeted by bright lights. After a few seconds my vision gets clearer and I can see that I’m in a hospital-like room.

Slowly and carefully I put my hand on Harry’s head, for the first time being able to feel his hair. And boy does his hair feel soft, curly and silky. Almost immediately after I put my hand on his head, he snaps his head up and looks at me with a face of disbelieve.

If I was completely fine, I would’ve laughed at him, the sight is quite funny. But before I can speak a word, I get a huge coughing fit. Immediately a glass of water is in front of my mouth, I don’t waste any time and immediately gulp it down.

“Ah, I needed that, thank you.” I say to him when I finished the glass. I lean back again, somehow I still feel tired even though I just woke up.

He doesn’t look at me but at my hand, seconds later he grabs it firmly with his own comforting safe hand. Moments pass by and he still doesn’t say anything, it’s starting to make me a bit uncomfortable.

“How?” Harry finally says after the painful silence, for a moment I thought I was imagining him speak. “Tell me what happened, tell me everything that happened from the moment you went outside.” He says in a complete sentence this time. His voice sounds strained and his grip on my hand tightens but not in a painful way. It makes me even feel more safe, being together with him.

“Well---------“ my sentence is cut off by the opening of the door. I see Liam walking in together with Nina. The moment she sees me she runs up to me and gives me a tight hug. “Y-y-you idiot! Don’t ever scare me like that again!” and then her voice is completely drowned by non-stop sobs and numerous tears hitting my neck.

Harry let go of my hand, immediately I miss the warmth of it but right now I have to use both my arms to hug Nina back. I’ve never seen her like this and it hurts me. “Well, sorry to tell you this but you’re not getting rid of me that easily Nins.” I say, trying to comfort her but that only makes her cry even harder.

Way to go with cheering her up Louis. I see Liam walking up to us and gestures to me, asking if he could take over. I nod and let go of Nina. Then she is hugged tightly by Liam and says some comforting words. A few moments later she calms down a bit and I stare in utter shock.

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