Chapter 13

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I wake up to the sound of my alarm clock. Ugh, I seriously don’t feel like working today. I think to myself. I just lay there in my bed until I remember something, Arran Mivestone. The guy who came by the other day, before Nina and I went to Subway. I should message him to catch up somewhere.

Me: Hey Arran, it’s me, Louis remember? Let’s catch up somewhere?

Before I could put my phone away it starts to beep again with a message of Arran. Wow, that was quick.

Arran: Hey Louis! Yeah sure! I know a good place.

Me: Okay, when do we meet up?

Arran: How about I pick you up Friday evening?

Me: Why then?

Arran: It’s a midnight buffet with the best food in my opinion. Also because then it will be Saturday, you don’t work then, do you?

Me: No I don’t but I do work Friday night until 10 pm, are you fine with that? We could go on another day if that’s better.

Arran: Friday 10pm, after work it is then. Can you give me the address from where I should pick you up?

He’s as stubborn as he was back then. I quickly write him the address of the bar and we say our goodbyes. I make my way over to the shower and afterwards change into something comfortable.

Another day to work. I park my car in front of the shop and walk in. This time dad is here. “Ouis, how are you? My dad says walking up to me and giving me a hug. That’s the nickname he uses for me, leaving the L away from my name. “I’m doing fine dad, how’s the car by the way?” I ask him, remembering he wasn’t here on Tuesday. “Oh, there were some problems with the brakes, luckily nothing big. I heard from your mother about how it’s going with your new job. Do I need to set some things straight with one of those guys? Apparently a certain Hurry, Horray, ---“ “Harry.” I interrupt my dad. “Yeah him. I heard he hasn’t been very nice to you.” Dad says looking at me.

“Yeah but don’t worry, I’ve got it under control.” I say to him. Oh, I’m so freaking lying now, I’ve totally not got it. “Don’t lie to me Louis. You can lie to everyone you want but not your own parents. I can go and have a nice chat with him if I have to.” he says clearly not joking around. “Oh god dad no! It’s fine really, just let it drop already, please. I’m not a little boy, besides I am enjoying myself there, really.” I say to him, just hoping he will drop the subject. He doesn’t look convinced but stops luckily.

“Okay, if you say so but if there is anything wrong tell me alright?” he says with a serious face. “Okay dad.” He walks up to me and gives me a hug. “Well I’ll be going then, your mom and I were planning to go to the cinema. You can leave earlier if you want to.” dad says to me, making his way towards the door. “Nah, I won’t do that, I like working here so I’m gonna close the shop the same time as always. Enjoy the movie.” I say to him. He smiles and nods at me and makes his way towards his car.

When he is out of sight, it’s time for me to get ready. I go to the back room to put on my apron and then walk towards the door to put the sign on “open”. Let the day start.

The day went by normally with nothing special. People came and went. Quite some stuff was sold and there were also people who wanted to sell their stuff. I bought an old little box for jewelry, a nice big round mirror and a little vase with nice artwork on it.

I put those stuff somewhere on the tables where there is space. I hang the mirror against the wall. Then it is time for me to close the shop. I take off the apron and put it in the back room. I’ll be coming here on Tuesday again. I then walk towards the door and put the sign on “closed”. Getting in the car, I turn the engine on and drive home.

Now I’m home but I’m bored out of my mind. So I decide to clean the apartment a little. That includes my wardrobe too. There is one thing you should know about me. I can’t keep my wardrobe clean. Eventually clothes are scattered everywhere. No matter how hard I try to keep it neat and tidy. Cleaning it now means it will be a mess by next week, mostly two weeks again.

After being done with cleaning everything, I decide to reward my hard work. No better way than to do that with ordering some pizza. Calling the pizza shop I order a pepperoni pizza with extra pepperoni on it. Seriously, usually the amount of pepperoni they put on it is a minimum.

Fifteen minutes later my doorbell rings and I give the guy the money, he could keep the change too. Now I’m going to enjoy my baby with a good movie.

That night I fell asleep with an empty pizza box lying next to me.

The next day I just slept until eleven. Did the usual morning routine and spent my day with doing random stuff. That means reading a book or watching a movie.

Soon it was time again to go to the bar. I got myself ready and took my guitar and jacket with me again. The bus station was a bit more busy today than usual. Sadly I couldn’t find a seat so I had to stand. On the ride to the bar I kept thinking about the silhouette and the green eyes I saw that looked like Harry’s.

I just couldn’t comprehend it all. The silhouette definitely didn’t look like a human. More like a giant dog, like I said before.

It’s no use thinking too much about it, I’ll probably never see it again. The bus was slowing down and it was time for me to get out. Then I make my way toward the familiar bar again.


Hello angels!!

A new chapter because this will be the last day of 2016!!
Don't know whether that should be something good or bad -_-

Well for me this year had many ups and downs, so im ready for the new year to come. Bring it on😈😈

Anyways even though its not yet new year here, still need to wait like 5,5 hours


We are gonna stay up until midnight at least, so its gonna be a long day😆but worth it though.

I hope you guys like the story until now. But this was kinda a filler chapter, wasn't it??

Vote, comment, anything!!!!

Goodbye angels!!❤

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