Chap. 5 - A Chat With The Wrong Alpha

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As soon as my eyes landed on him my the my emotions changed from anger to annoyance.  Why in the Hell is he in the Alpha's office. Speaking of the little son of a bitch where is he? My eyes scanned over the room thoroughly to see if there was any sign of him being here recently. Nope nothing ot seems that he hasn't been in here for the past couple of days. Only...HIM. My eyes snapped back to the strange man that claims to be my mate. Yeah right.

I started the conversation by asking 'Who are you?, Why are you here?, and Where is the Alpha?'

By the look on his face I could tell that he was surprised my questions.

'Why do you want to talk to the Alpha?'

'Is that any of your business...No. Since you are clearly of no help to me at I'll be leaving now.' Then I stomped away searching for the smell of the Alpha.

'Is that anyway to speak to your mate?' He asked following behind me

'No but it is what I say to stalkers...Of which you are and NOT my mate'

'You don't really mean that' He said clear hurt in his voice

'Yes I DO' I began to pick up a scent of the Alpha and ran so fast even I couldn't see where I was going.

It led me to a to the Alpha's bedroom. Not bothering to knock I stormed in like last time seeing the Alpha simply laying down with his mate in peaces. I like the thought of him laying down in pieces a whole lot better.

He jumped out of the bed angry I could tell.

'How DARE you come in my room so disrespectfully!!. I am your Alpha!!!'

I'm guessing at this point he expected me to coward up in fear. But I didn't I'm not intimidated easily.

This only angered him. Well he started it and I was sure as hell gonna finish it.

Christopher POV

I followed her as she stomped away from me in anger. I could tell she was pissed off by something that the Alpha did and me being the Alpha to be of this pack and her being my mate, I felt the need to know. Suddenly in a blink of a eye she was gone.

So I followed her sexy vanilla scent up the stairs and began to hear yelling as I walked down the hall.

'You sir are no longer my Alpha!!!'

Is what I heard from my mate , who I still didn't know the name of, as stood in the doorway. The sight before me was not a pretty one. My mate had hands in a fist as did the Alpha. They both looked equally scary. No scratch that my mate looked scarier...Sexy.

'I am your Alpha and always will be until I give my position to the next Alpha in line'

'What NEXT ALPHA I thought was no longer one since you only had Simone and killed her mate. I mean her FAKE mate or should I say my FATHER.' my mate said putting emphasis on the words next, alpha, fake and father. What?

The Alpha froze but regained his anger just as fast.

'What are you talking about Forbidden Child?!' said the Alpha

'Don't play dumb with me. You and I both know that isn't true and that you tried to force Simone into mating with my father even after they BOTH found their mates'

'You have absolutely no right-'

'Oh I think I do and you know it! You turned everyone against me because I was a bump in the rode of your little selfish plan!! If it wasn't for Simone, the only type of parenting figure in my life, I wouldnt be alive right now because you would've killed me and my mother!!!

Kill my mate?! Now this is where I have to step in.

'What the Fuck is going on here?!' I yell at the thought of anybody trying to hurt my mate.

Everyone in the room snapped there heads towards me I'm surprised they don't have whiplash.

'I said What the FUCK is going on here!'

'Nothing Christopher its just that disgrace of a werewolf suddenly has the nerve to disrespect me in front of my mate' the Alpha said in a disgusted and angry tone.

In the corner of my eyes I noticed that my mate's eye color changed from warm and welcoming hazel eyes to cold electric blue ones that can pierce anyone's heart with fear. The Alpha did not notice this but I did and I could my mate was ready to kill.

So I watched her and seconds later she jumped arms outstretched for the Alpha for his blood. Before that could happen I grabbed her and held her close to me our wolves started to calm down until they have finally settled.

The Alpha looked pissed and I mean about to shift and try to kill my mate pissed. Notice I said tried. With my mate still in my arms I ran. To our private spot. Or should I say her spot.

When we got there I put my mate down and watched as she angrily stomped over to a tree and punched. REALLY HARD. I feel bad for that tree and the tree behind it that it fell on.

Wow I have one hell of a mate.

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