Chap. 6 - Rejected

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Serena's POV

I'm so pissed I cant believe that he had the nerve to lie to my fake mate. Wow listen to irony in that sentence. Oh I'm so gonna make his life a living hell. I hear we're getting a new Alpha soon. As soon as the ceremony is over the Alpha is going to regret it. But for now I will keep quite. Silence is the best killer of them all.  I slowly breathed in an out as I watched the major damage I did to those trees. Damn I'm good. Then I heard the clearing of someone's throat. I turned around to my fake mate, What was his name again?

'What do you want?' I asked annoyed.

'Um Id like to know whats going on. What the hell was that back there?'

'First of all that's none of your business and second of all why are you on my property' I say raising my voice a little.

'Stop that alright just fucking stop.'

'Stop what'

'Being rude to me I mean I understood the first time but now I just don't get it what did I do to you?!' He said matching my annoyed and pissed tone.

'Did you not listen to the conversation or are you too slow to keep up. That so called Alpha made my life a living HELL for NO reason except from his selfishness. So if that didn't help you out then LEAVE' Usually most girls would get all emotional but I am not one to cry in fact Ive never cried since I was a baby. I refused to let people think that them ignoring me or treating me like shit affected me in anyway.

My fake mate was silent. Silnce was his response. His way of showing his complete and udder shock at what Id just said to him.

'If your not gonna say anything then please leave.' This seemed to bring him out of his shocked state. He then ran over to be and held me by my shoulders to keep me from moving. His blue eyes searched mine searched and searched then he sighed. I guess he didn't find what he was looking for.

'Listen if your not gonna talk then atleast listen. Forget what you saw back there. Forget it all and act like it never happened like we never met. Now if you excuse me I'll be going its about 1 in the morning and Im tired. Whatever you connection you thoght we had, its not real. So Ill be going now.'

Pain, hurt, disappointment flashed in eyes and were flashed into mines blinding me and making me feel bad about what I just said. But I ignore it since my wolf is the nurturing type and its my human side that's viscious. And its only because it was my human side that recieved all of bad treatment over the years. My wolf has never come into any type of contact at all with another wolf from my pack. No one has seen my wolf not even Simone. Now my wolf is practically shielded from the world because it doesnt know when its being threatened. So any of my loving qualities that my wolf has is tucked away and only  comes out while Im in my wolf form.

They say your just supposed to be the human version of yor wolf, But not me that had to change so that I could protect myself.

I left having nothing else to say to him. He was glued to the ground. Paralyzed but still standing.

I dont know what it was but something deep inside of me begging to break free. It felt as though someone else was inside of me.


7 Hours later that day......

'Serena wake up'

Im not ready to get up yet my body still needs to sleep of all of this anger. See Im viscious.

'Serena get your ass. Or your gonna be late for school!'

Every morning I go through this. So not a morning  person.

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