Chap. 12 - The Shift

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Christopher's POV

After she left me that night I decided to follow her. I shifted into my full grown all black wolf. My wolf tried to take over. Him almost being allowed to have his mate wasn't good enough. But I knew that if he did Serena would've gotten hurt. I can't let that happen. Even if she doesn't want me, it's my job to protect her.

I followed the car to her house. It was far out. Away from the rest of the were community. The only house back here. And it was close to the end of the pack's territory. Which is dangerous. I cant have my mate in potential danger. Rogues are in the area. The reason why pack moved over here. To strengthen our forces.

She hopped out the car and ran inside. Jaden's car turned around and left. Good.

I shifted back in to my human form and put on the clothes that I had in my mouth. I followed her scent upstairs. I climbed up a tree not too far from the house. I saw her enter her room and go straight into her bathroom. She came back out wearing a tank top and some shorts. She let her hair down. It fell to past her shoulders. She went in closet and got out her jacket and some converses. She ran down stairs and outside.

She started walking into the forest. Without any protection. I hopped from tree to tree  watching her.

She stopped. We were by that little waterfall where we first met.

She took of her clothes and left on her black bra and thong. My wolf purred at the site of her. She dived into the pool and came back nice and slow. That was truly the sexiest thing I have ever seen. She started swimming. Doing laps in the little lake like area. She did for about an hour. Then she stopped and just floated. She looked like she was in deep thought. After a while she got out the water completely and picked up her clothes she started walking back to her house. I watched as she entered her room and put on a different tank top and some sweats. Even in comfort clothes she was beautiful. Since trying to keep her away from other men kind of back fired, since she slapped me, I will get her the hold fashion way.

I watched as her as she fell asleep.

I decided to go home, it was getting late and the party was probably still going on. I'll see her when at school on Monday to put my new plan into action.


Its been two weeks since she came to school. I went back to her house. I smelt her in there. But I just didn't see her.

What the hell is going on in there.

I decided that I will try and see her.


Its been two weeks of school and I feel like I'm on a month long period. My body is sore and Simone let me leave my room. I'm not complaining though at least not THAT much. I just need some fresh air. Simone said I need to stay inside because being out there can trigger an early shift and make  it more painful. SO I've just been sitting here on facebook, tumblr, twitter, instagram, youtube, and watching tv. SO I've been surviving. I hear the bell downstairs ring but I ignore it and continue to watch Popeye. Old cartoons make me feel better especially since I'm eating my favorite. Chocolate :). I heard Simone saying something then someone started walking upstairs. All of a sudden in walks Christopher. I didn't say anything. I've been trying to ignore the fact that we kissed. after I ran away from him I just don't know what to think anymore. I honestly didn't know.

Christopher came stepped over to my bed and laid down and started watching Popeye with me. We didn't say anything. Just kept watching the tv. When I wasn't looking he tried to take some of my chocolate. And NOBODY touches my chocolate. So I slapped his hand and snatched up the chocolate.

He started laughing and I continued with him. Right now I didn't I was surprisingly relaxed with my guard down. Something I don't do a lot.

Soon the laughing died down and we were just smiling at each other. We started moving our heads closer together. Ever so softly our lips touched. It was soft and not sexual like the last one.

We stopped kissing and he whispered softly 'I love you.'

My wolf was elated. I could imagine her jumping around like a god damn fool right now. I chuckled at that.

Suddenly I heard something crack like a stick or a.....Bone. No. NO. NO

This isn't supposed to happen. Its weeks too early. My smile quickly turned into a frown. I looked down to see my leg twisted in such an unnatural way a gymnast would get sick just looking at it. That's how nasty it was looking.

Christopher jumped up and picked me up slowly bridal style then he ran downstairs and Simone came out her study asking what was going on.

'She's shifting' he told her.

She cursed under her breath and said 'She isn't supposed to shift yet. Her birthday is in two weeks. Take her outside so she has enough space to shift.'

Christopher ran outside and put me down.

After that my other leg snapped. Then my ankles, then my toes. Every time a bone snapped no matter how small the more it hurt. But I didn't cry I can't cry. It shows vulnerability. Some thing I cant be. I heard shoulder pop out of place and the rest of my arms break all the way to my finger tips.

It was loud I couldn't;t even hear the comforting words Christopher was telling me as he stroked my cheek. Then my I felt my ribs break and saw them poking out underneath my tank top. Then I heard the tiny bones in my ears break and they were the loudest since they were in my ear. Breathing became harder and more uncomfortable. My neck snapped to the side and my vision became blurry.

Then it was silent. After a few minutes passed I felt my body arch backwards as though I was going into a bridge. But no. My body went further back by each passing second. When finally I heard it snap. I felt like I was being crushed. I felt so much weight on my body. The pain was excruciating. It would only be expected for a person to feel this pain when going through a slow and painful death. But i wasn't I was just shifting into a fully grown female werewolf. But trust me it was a close second.

I started to see black spots. I felt my mind going blank. Then I felt fur growing on me. Then I felt my bones popping back into place. But not where they were originally.

When I everything stopped I tried to open my eyes but I couldn't. It was too painful. So I decided to sleep. Sleep off the pain. Before I was out completely I heard Christopher shift into his wolf then snuggle up behind me. My wolf felt at ease. Then I fell asleep.






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