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Come down below,
I'll show you someplace secret.

"{Y/N}, it says to come down below, what does that mean?" Ib asks you, you shake your head.

"It means we need to get the hell out of here." You grab her hand and start running, she nods understandingly, while running, the two of you stumbled upon an art exhibit called Abyss of the Deep.

"There's footprints." Ib points at the blue footprints that led into the piece of art, you furrow you're eyebrows as you walk over yo Ib and kneel down, touching the footprints like you're a detective.

"This looks so cool!" Ib exclaims, stepping in front of you and touching the exhibit.

"Ib, don't!" You try to tell her, but she puts her hand in the exhibit.

"She... She fell in?!" You stare in horror as your little sister was dragged into an art exhibit.

"No way, no way, no way!" You repeated yourself many times, you dipped your hand in Abyss of the Deep, and you felt something grab you and you started falling.


"Ib?" You sit up and look around, you notice Ib looking at paintings.

"{Y/N}?" Ib walks over to you, kneeling down next to you.

"Where are we?" You ask looking around the blue hall you were in, Ib shrugs.

"I don't know, I woke up a couple of minutes ago." Ib tells you, you nod and stand up.

"Well, let's find a way out of here." You say hopefully to Ib, you start walking down the hall with high hopes, but the feeling of hope was soon replaced with slight terror when you noticed a word on repeating itself on the walls.


Ib didn't seem to care that much about the writing on the walls, she was more interested in two vases with roses that were on a table that was blocking a door, Ib picks up the red rose.

"Look, {Y/N}, there's a purple rose, you could have that one!" Ib grins as she hands you the purple rose, you smile warmly at her as you take the rose and push the tables that once had the roses out of the way of the door.

When you open the door and walk into the room, you and Ib automatically jump back at the sight of a painting.

The painting was of a woman with her eyes closed and she had long black hair, her hair was coming out of the painting and onto the frame.

"Look, there's a key." You point at the small blue key on the floor, you pick it up quickly and look back at the painting, the woman's eyes were now open and she was grinning.

As the rose wilts, so too will you wilt away.

"Let's go." You grab Ib's hand and speed walk out of the room, you slam the door shut and let go of Ib's hand, you sigh in relief.

"God, that was creepy... Hey, Ib, you okay?" You ask as you look down at Ib, she looked as if she had just seen a ghost, she was staring at the wall, you furrowed your eyebrows and turned to the wall that once had the word 'Come' on it.


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