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"Hey, Mary, do you have a rose? Me, Ib and Garry all have one." You tell her as you all walked up the corridor.

"... Yeah, I do! A yellow rose!" She tells you, you nod and Garry tells her that she needs to keep it safe.

You continued up the corridor until you found a room, the four of you entered and you gasped with amazement.

"This is amazing!" You cheer, seeing the large painting of the small animal and many rabbit ornaments.

You quickly run up to the painting and learn that it is called red eyes.

"This painting, this room... Why must it be so unsettling!?" Garry questions.

"What are you talking about? This rooms great! Don't be such a negative nancy!" You tell him, Mary nods in agreement, she begins to talk about how she thinks it's cute, however, Ib agrees with Garry, saying she didn't feel sure about the room.

You sigh as you go to walk out of the room, everyone had left and you were the last to leave, you heard glass smashing and turned to see that the green rabbit ornament had smashed, you shrugged to yourself and left the room.

You, Ib, Garry and Mary stopped at a painting, feeling quite confident that you could hear a noise coming from it.

As you stood next to Garry and Ib stood next to Mary, you all studied the painting closely, until, a flower emerged from the painting and roots had came up from the ground.

You and Garry had taken a couple of steps back as the roots grew from the floor, as had Ib and Mary, the four of you had accidentally been split into groups of two.

"Are you two okay?" You shout through the roots.

"Ah... That scared me!" Mary says nervously.

"Ib, are you hurt?" Garry asks.

"No, I'm fine." Ib replies simply, you sigh in relief.

You grabbed onto the root and tried to pull it away, but it wouldn't budge.

"We can't get past!" You shout to Ib and Mary.

Mary and Ib talk about how Ib had picked up a key in the room filled with rabbits and how it may open a door that was nearby to them.

Ib and Mary had left to go to the next room and you and Garry look at each other.


"They're taking their time..." Garry says, you nod in agreement as you poke at the roots that you soon realised were actually vines made of stone.

"We shouldn't have let them go alone." You say sadly, Garry nods in agreement.

"I guess we can investigate that room again, since there's nothing to do." Garry had finally given in to the room filled with rabbits, you jumped up, not completely rabbit crazy considering your sister could be in potential danger, but nonetheless excited.

You hold Garry's wrist as the two of you make your way into the room, you had a big grin on your face, but that grin didn't last long when you saw that the once cute rabbits were replaced with terrifying dolls.

"What... What the hell?!" You shout out, looking around at the dolls.

"You're only just realising how creepy this all is?!" Garry asks you, looking at you as if you were insane.

"Wh-Where did the rabbits go?" You ask quietly, looking at the painting of the doll.

"What are you talking about? There were never rabbits here." He tells you, you walk towards the painting once again.

Red Eyes.

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