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Knock, knock!

Dean almost falls out of his seat as he rushes to the door. It's been a week since Cas told him he was moving, and Dean was hoping it's him. A week is enough time to, right?

He wraps his hand around the smooth door handle and jerks the door open, a huge smile spread across his face.

"Oh, it's just you," disappointment heavy in Dean's voice.

"Yeah," Sam says as if his brother should've known it was him, "who else would it be?"

"Nobody. I just..." his words trail off as he reaches for his phone in his pocket and plots back down on the couch. He laughs a little when he sees what's on the screen.

4 new messages from classycassy

classycassy: hey dean

classycassy: so guess what

classycassy: my family and I are flying to Kansas today!!

classycassy: so give me your address so I can watch you sleep

deanthebean is typing...

deanthebean: hey Cas you know what they call people who watch other people sleep?

classycassy: ...sleep peepers??

deanthebean: nope

deanthebean: they call them s t a l k e r s

classycassy: eh. Whatever

classycassy: better than being a serial killer

deanthebean: nope

classycassy: yep. Because while stalking is creepy and weird, it's not harmful because they don't usually physically touch the person...but a serial killer on the other hand finds psychotic ways that kill  and/or torture a person.

deanthebean: you make this no fun :'(

classycassy: ;)

deanthebean: is that a winky face
(Okay side note when I was typing "winky" it autocorrected to "wonky" and now I'm dying rip)

deanthebean: Cas are you flirting with me

classycassy: maybe

deanthebean: nope you're just making fun of me

classycassy: possibly

deanthebean: maybe a little of both..?

classycassy: that is a possibility

deanthebean: I hate you

classycassy: :(

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