...twenty four

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10 missed calls from Dean Winchester

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25 new messages from deanthebean


deanthebean: god, I'm so stupid.

deanthebean: I wish you knew how sorry I am

deanthebean: because I am

deanthebean: I'm gonna be honest here...

deanthebean: I didn't break up with you because of the thing with Charlie, in fact, as you can see in school, I lied about Charlie not wanting to be my friend.

deanthebean: the truth is...i broke up with you because I started feeling something, and I was scared. I was scared because I've never had real feeling for a guy, or for anyone for that matter, and now I feel like an idiot for running away.


After sending 19 more messages to Cas, I decide to stop. He's never going to forgive you, what you did was stupid, my mind scolds. I look at the time. 6:30 am. School starts at seven. With nothing else to do, i leave for school early.

When I get there I see him standing with our friends, including Charlie. I start to head that way, but decide it isn't a good idea and turn back. Don't approach him, he's just gonna get mad. I start to walk in the opposite direction when I hear his voice call my name. I turn to see him approaching me, and I start to freak out. You're gonna say something stupid and make him hate you even more. my mind predicts fiercely. Finally, he's a few feet in front of me.

"Hey, I got your messages," he says, looking down at the floor.

I sigh as I realize he can't look at me, "well, uh...good."

There's a long a silence before I speak again. "Do you maybe wanna....i don't know...Start things up again?"

Cas smiles at me, but it goes away almost instantly. "Actually...I've been meaning to tell you something." Cas opens his mouth to continue when a tall boy with dark hair approaches him and puts his arm around his shoulder.

"This is...uh..Ryland," says Cas, "we recently started...um...dating."

My mouth goes dry as he says the words. Dating? Since when? We've only been broken up for a month. Did he really get over me that fast?

"So," he starts again, "to answer your question, yes, if love to be friends again." He smiles, and everything inside me shatters. Why? Why did I have to be so stupid? I get my phone out and call the only person I know who can make this better.

Incoming call from Dean

Answer or decline call?

Call Answered.

"Sammy, he's gone."

"Dean? What's wrong? Who's gone?"


"What? What happened to him?"

"He's with another guy." I try to choke back my tears until I get to my car.

"What, you mean Ryland? They're just friends."

"Really? Cause he just told me they were dating and the way Ryland was holding him was definitely not just friendly."

"Okay, Dean, you need to calm down. Come home, get some rest. Deal with this tomorrow."

"Okay, fine....wait, why aren't you at school?"

"Dean, I've been doing online school for the past six months now. You know this."



New message from Castiel Novak

classycassy: hey, you okay?

deanthebean: yeah...why wouldn't I be?

classycassy: well, you weren't at school for the rest of the day after we talked

deanthebean: guess I was too lazy

classycassy: ofc

deanthebean: don't sass me Cas, I'll still beat your ass

classycassy: is that a new poem you're writing?

deanthebean: possibly

classycassy: oh god not with the possiblys again

deanthebean: shut up you love it

This was trash but I needed to update so here

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