thirty seven....

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Dean's POV

A day before the cheating incident

"God, I miss you,"

I said the words into the phone, my husband on the other side. I hung up the phone as I said goodbye to him. He was on a field trip for some school thing, and I missed him like crazy.

I went over to the desk in the living room of our apartment and started to study for my psychology test when I heard three loud bangs on the front door. I jumped, the loud noise startling me. Who the hell could that be? I thought as I was opening the door. On the other side of the door stood two men, one I recognized as Cas' brother, Gabriel, and the other I didn't recognize at all.

"May I help you?" I tried to sound polite, but it really wasn't in my nature.

"Dean, we need to talk," Gabriel said, he looked scared, which made me kind of paranoid.

"Okay," I said, "talk."

Gabriel looked at the taller man next to him before he payed his attention back to me again, "not out here." I nodded and opened the door more, gesturing for the two to come in.

"Sit anywhere you'd like," I told the two as they found a spot next to each other on the couch. I sat across from them on a leather chair Cas had bought a few months ago.

"I'm sorry for not giving you a notice before coming," Gabriel apologized, looking at the man next to him after he said the words, "this is mine and Castiel's father."

The man held his hand out for me to shake, so I did, trying hard not to make eye contact. "So," I said, "what do we need to talk about?"

Gabriel's father looked angry, which made me nervous, "You and Castiel's relationship. I forbid it."

I scoffed, was this guy really serious? "Well, good for you, I guess."

"I don't think you understand, I am Castiel's father, and I decide whether or not he gets to date someone, and I'm no going to let him be in a relationship with another man. It's a sin."

"I don't care, I love him, and he loves me." I rolled my eyes at the man. I couldn't believe he just waltzed into my home and demanded me to break up with Cas, it was ridiculous!

"I knew it would have to come to this," he said, rolling his eyes back at me, "Gabriel, call Balthazar."

Gabriel nodded, his hands shaking as he pulled out his phone and dialed a number. He put the phone on speaker so I could hear it. It rang a few times before I heard a man with an accent say, "hello?" Gabriel's father took the phone from his hands, "Balthazar, I have Dean Winchester in front of me, would you like to explain the situation or should I do it?"

"You can," Balthazar said over the phone.

"Okay," the man looked over at me, "I have your dad and little brother down in a basement of a house in the middle of nowhere. If you don't break my son's heart, I will kill them."

I laughed, "yeah, like I'm gonna believe that."

Gabriel's father chuckled, "Balthazar, put Sam on the phone please."

I heard a door open through the phone before I heard the worst sound I had ever heard; Sam, in more pain than imaginable.

"Your son's on the phone," Balthazar said, talking to my dad.

"Dean?" tears rush to my eyes as I heard Sam's whimpers in the background.

"I'm here, dad," I said, choking down my crying.

"Dean, you have to do what they say, they're gonna kill Sam!" my dad was screaming into the phone, "don't you dare let your little brother die you son of a bitch!"

I held back arguing with my dad, knowing he was in pain. I looked at Gabriel, who barely had tears in his eyes, and then at his father, "you'll release them if I break up with Cas?"

"If you break his heart, yes, I'll let them go."

"Okay," I said, "I'll do it." Cas' father hung up the phone.

I felt like everything inside me had broken down once I said that I would do it, I hated myself for saying it.

"I'll call him right now and get it over with," I told the two men.

"No," Cas' father said, stopping me, "I need to make sure my son knows you don't want to be with him anymore."

"What do you mean?"

"I have a plan," Gabriel butt in, "you're going to cheat on him...with a woman."

"You're sick," I growled as I spat at Gabriel.

"Her name is Jessica," he continued, ignoring me, "your brother's girlfriend."

"What? My brother has nothing to do with this!" I barked at the two.

"Do you want your family alive or not?" Gabriel said.

I shut up, looking out the window as he told me the plan, which wasn't a very good one.

"Just find out a way to make it look like your cheating," he concluded, "and remember, if Cas doesn't believe it, you're family is dead." Gabriel and his father got up and walked out of my house and left me on the floor to suffer in heartbreak.


The next day, at about 8 pm, I heard a knock on the door. I walked slowly to the door, not wanting to open it, not wanting this nightmare to start. I opened the door and saw Jess waiting on the other side of it, her blonde curls drooping, even her hair looked sad.

"Hey," she said, her voice was quiet and she wouldn't look at me, I didn't blame her.

"Hey," I didn't really know what else to say.

She exhaled loudly, "I'm sorry."

"It's not your fault."

I looked at her and watched a tear drop from her face to the ground. "Let's get this over with."

A few hours later

"Cas just pulled up," I said, looking at Jess, "you ready?"

"Never," she replied, "but we have to do this." I nodded and scrambled into bed with her.

A few minutes later, I heard Cas unlocking the door, so Jess giggled to make it sound like we were doing something. I heard the door open and almost cried, but didn't because I had to get on top of Jess. I was fully on top of her when I heard a gasp coming from the doorway. I looked up at him and froze.

Even though it was pitch black in the apartment, I could still see his stunning, blue eyes perfectly, and for a minute I wanted to run to him and explain everything; how his dad was behind all this and that I would never do this to him and how nothing actually is happening.

But I knew I couldn't.

I got out of bed in a hurry and watched calmly as he argued at me. I forgot what he said or what I said, the only thing I remember is telling him that I will always love him, and then grabbing the suitcase with my clothes and leaving, not looking back because I knew I couldn't bear it.

That was the day my whole world crumbled, and it was all my fault.

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