...twenty nine

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As I drive down the road to Dean's house, I think about the other kids at school. Do they know Dean is gay? And if they do, does he get made fun of or bullied for it? I had never really thought about it before; how accepting the people in this town are. By the way Dean's dad is about it I would say they maybe aren't so accepting. I shake my head at that thought. I can't judge the whole town off one bad person.

My thoughts are put to and end once I pull up to Dean's house and see him sitting on his porch, his earbuds in and eyes glued to the screen of his cellphone. I honk one big, loud honk which makes him jump. He rolls his eyes and I start to laugh.

"I hate you," he says as he sits down in the passenger seat.

I chuckle, "you know you love me."

He scoffs and puts his hands on his hips jokingly, "you don't know that, maybe I'm getting paid to date you."

"Shut up," I say with a laugh as I step on the gas pedal.


As I pull into the school parking lot, my thoughts from before start racing back. I turn off the engine and look at Dean, who is starting to unbuckle to get out of the car. "Wait," I say before he has a chance to open the door. He looks at my and tilts his head slightly as a questioning look crosses over his face. "I have a question," I look into his eyes so he knows I'm serious.

"Shoot," he says with his normal smirk on his face.

I take a deep breath, scared he might get mad at me for asking what I'm about to ask. Maybe you shouldn't say anything. My mind says. Just let it go, you're making this bigger than it should be.

"You gonna ask or..?"

I take another deep breath. Just spit it out already.

I look up at him once again, his questioning look now a worried one. I open my mouth to speak. Here goes nothing.

"Does everyone else in the school besides Charlie and Lisa know your gay?" I'm surprised at the way I blurted it out; like it was word vomit or something.

Dean shifts uncomfortably in his seat, "we're gonna be late." Before I can say anything else he's already out of the car and on his way to class. I sit in my car, dumbfounded at his response. It wasn't that bad of a question was it?


"Where's Dean?"

Charlie looks at me and shrugs, "I don't know, he should be here. It's not like him to skip lunch."

I nod, my gut telling me something's going on. I shake the thought away and laugh at myself. You're overreacting, you idiot.

"Excuse me, everyone," I hear a familiar voice shout from behind me. I turn around to see Dean standing on one of the lunch tables. The room goes silent. Oh no. What have I done? What is he doing?

"For those of you who don't know, my name is Dean Winchester. And I get made fun of here at this school quite a lot," I hear a couple snickers come from the cluster of teenagers who have stood up to surround the table he's standing on, "this is gonna get people to make fun of me more, beat me up even, but I don't care. I'm not gonna sit here and act like I'm actually trying to fit in."

This isn't good. My mind says. Get out of there Cas!

"I'm gay," he says, and people start whispering, "and I know many of you aren't going to accept that. I mean, you've grown up in this small town, and it's ridiculous how stereotypical you all are...so god forbid there be a gay person here."

A smile takes over his face and his posture is now more straight, like he's proud.

"Anyway, if you feel the need to be a low-life asshole and beat the living shit out of me for my sexuality, you know where to find me, but if not, then have fun being a mature, civilized human being who's actually going to get somewhere in life."

He jumps off the table and walks through the crowd, everyone parting to make a path for him. He walks straight over to me and immediately grabs my face and kisses me.

Our lips disconnect and I look at everyone else, they're either confused, in awe, or squealing while jumping up and down.

My eyes travel back to meet Dean's, and he smiles gently. "I love you, Cas," he says, "now let's get outta this dump."

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