...twenty five

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6:30 am
classycassy: hey there

deanthebean: woah you're up early

classycassy: so are you

deanthebean: yeah well I'm always up early

classycassy: true true

deanthebean: so what are you doing up so early

classycassy: I just wanted to see the sunrise

deanthebean: cas...

classycassy: what? can't a guy enjoy a sunset

deanthebean: since when have you ever given up sleep just to look at a sunset

classycassy: why do always see through my lies

deanthebean: cause I'm magical

deanthebean: now tell me why you're actually up

classycassy: I don't wanna

deanthebean: tell me child

classycassy: ugh fine

classycassy: Ryland's taking me up to his beach house for the weekend and he's coming to get me at 7:30

deanthebean: oh

deanthebean: that's why you weren't gonna tell me

classycassy: yeah...

deanthebean: well I hope you guys have fun together

classycassy: you don't have to say that if you don't mean it Dean, I know you don't really like the idea of me and him.

deanthebean: no, I do mean it, I hope you guys have fun

classycassy: dean..

deanthebean: I'm fine cas. Really

classycassy: if you say so...

classycassy: well, I have to go get ready. Talk to you later Dean


I click my phone off and put it down on my night stand. Why does he have to be with him, out of everyone? Why couldn't he have gotten someone else? Like Sam or another guy at all the school? Why did it have to be the most stuck-up, rich guys at school? That's what you get for being an ass, scolds my mind.

2:30 pm
Another months goes by, and finally school ends. I go home, and Sam is waiting for me at the doorstep. "What?" I say grumpily as I push pass him to get to the door. He grabs my arm and pulls me toward the car. "What the hell?" I say as I struggle to get out of his grip.
"I'm not gonna let you sit around and mope all summer," he stops once we're at the car, opens the door, and pushes me inside.

"I'm not moping!" I protest as he makes his way to the other side.

"Yes, you are," he argues once he gets in the car, putting the key in and starting it, "Cas got a new boyfriend, it sucks, but you need to do something to at least get your mind off it."

"You say that like my mind is never off it," I mumble in anger.

"It's all you ever talk about, Dean!" he continues, "every time I see you it's, 'Cas and Ryland this' and 'Cas and Ryland' that!"

I pivot my head to look at him, "I thought we agreed to not use the 'R' word."

He gives me a pointed look, which shuts me up. He's right, it's all I ever think about. I'm constantly moping around thinking about what I could've done to avoid this, instead of thinking about what I can do to fix it. I look at Sam again. "Where are we going?"


3:14 am

Sam brought us to a bar outside of town; he already had fake IDs ready for the two of us. We were there for hours, and I don't remember much.

We've been home for about an hour now, and I still am very drunk and I can't sleep. I toss and turn in my bed, but nothing seems to put me to sleep, so I get my phone out.

I look through my social medias to see if anyone is awake, but of course nobody is, so I go into Kik. I scroll through mine and Cas' messages and a feeling of longing hits me right in the gut. I need to talk to him, and I need to talk to him now. I go to my keypad and type in his number, pressing the buttons fast since I know his number by heart.







"Oh! Hey Cas," I hold the 's' a little too long, and I laugh because I sound like a snake.

"Dean? Why are you calling at this hour?" his voice is like music to my ears, and I smile.

"Because....I need to tell you something," my words are so slurred, I'm surprised he even understands me.

"Um, okay, what is it?"

"Well, first off, I hate your boyfriend."


"Yeah, that Ryland guy? I hate him. He's so rich and stupid and full of himself."

"Dean..." it sounds more like an apology than anything else.

"Wait...I'm not finished," I take a deep breath, "I-I love you, Cas; and I know I've made you think I don't anymore and that I'm happy that you've found someone else, but I'm not...that's also why I hate Ryland, he took you away from me. He took the only person who loved me away from me, and I really hate him for it."

There's silence on the other line.

"I'm finished now," I say, a big smile covering my face, "hehehehehe."

Suddenly what I'm doing hits me, and i hang up the phone. I think for a second, then shrug and go to sleep.

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