forty one...

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Ring ring

My eyelids are heavy, but I get them to open at the sound of my phone. I slowly glance at the digital clock next to me; 2:30 am.

"Turn it offff," Dean complains from beside me. I roll my eyes and pick up my phone to see who it is, getting up and stepping out of the room to answer the call. The number is unknown, but I answer anyway.


"Castiel? Is that you?" a woman's voice is on the other line, and she sounds scared and rushed.

"Yes it is, who is calling?"

"It's Anna," she says, "I need your help."

I roll my eyes and feel the urge to hang up, but something tells me not to, so I don't. Anna is my sister, but she hasn't talked to me, or anyone in our family for that matter, after she left when she was 15. I was 11, so you would think u wouldn't think anything of it until I was older, but even though Anna hated our family with a burning passion, she always told me I was her best friend, and I was different from the rest of the family, and if I'm being honest, she was my only best friend. So yeah, I was angry when she left without a warning and never talked to me again.

"Oh, what, you don't even make an effort to talk to me for years but now that you need help with god knows what you're ready to come back? How selfish are you?" I couldn't believe the anger in my tone, I've never been so hostile.

"Cassy, listen, I'll explain everything later, just please help me with this, it's for Gabe."

"Gabriel? You mean the other sibling that screwed me over? Yeah, I think I'll pass."

"Lucifer's got him, Cas," she sounds like she's about to break down, and I feel a little bad.

"I know, Anna, he took Lucifer's side, there's nothing we can do."

"No, Cassy, you don't understand," her voice is shaky and weak, "he's gonna kill him, he's got him locked away somewhere in Kansas."

I don't say anything, shocked at what she's saying to me.

"You wouldn't let him die, would you?"

I shake my head, "No, I wouldn't. How do you know where he is anyway?"

"He had me down there too, Cassy," the terror in her voice makes me feel her pain, "I always knew Lucifer was bad news, but I never thought he could be pure evil."

"Isn't that's why you left? Because of Lucifer?"

"I left because if a lot of things Cas..."

I take a deep breath before I ask my next question, "do you regret anything?"

"Do I regret leaving? No," there's a pause, "but I did regret not saying goodbye to you, Cassy."

"Okay," I don't know what else to say, "I'll text you my address, meet me here ASAP."

I hang up the phone, immediately texting Anna my address, her replying with "I'll be there in two hours." I decided there was no point in going back to sleep, knowing I would have to explain all this to Dean, so I walk over to my bed, where he's sleeping peacefully. I watch him for a second; I can tell he's dreaming because of the slight, but adorable, smile on his face. After a few seconds I nudge him, it takes a few times to actually get him to wake up.

"Who was on the phone?" he asks, pulling my arm, making me lie down next to him. He wraps an arm around me and kisses my cheek. I turn over to face him, "It was my sister."

"Wait, hold on," he sits up, using his elbow for support, "since when do you have a sister?"

"I mean, I've always had a sister, I just never mentioned her."

"Okay," he rubs his eyes, still trying to wake up so he can process this, "but why?"

"I was angry at her for leaving when I was 11."

"Wow, l'm sorry Cas, are you okay?"

"I don't know. Before 20 minutes ago I hadn't talked to her since before she left."

"What did she say on the phone?"

"That's kind of why I woke you up," I start fidgeting with my fingers, "she's picking me up in about two hours."

His eyes go wide, "What?! Why?!"

"You remember Lucifer, right?"

"How could I forget," he snarks, rolling his eyes.

"Well, he's almost killed Anna and now he's gonna kill Gabe, kind of like how he had your dad and same trapped."

"What the hell is wrong with your family, Cas."

"I don't know Dean," I don't notice I'm shaking until Dean places his hand on my arm.

"Are you going to be okay?"

"Honestly? I have no idea."

He hops out of bed and goes into my closet, exiting with my suitcase. He starts putting my clothes in it.

"Dean what're you doing?" I ask.

"This is gonna be more than just a few hours, you need to pack."

"So you're not going to try to convince me not to go?"

"Not unless you try to stop me from going with you."

"Dean.." I give him a worried look "I don't want you getting hurt."

He stops packing and faces me, placing his hands on my shoulders, "I'm losing you in a matter of weeks, Cas, nothing's gonna hurt more than that." I look at him blankly, knowing he's right. There's a moment of sadness, but it ends quickly.

"C'mon," he says, "let's go save your brother."

I smile and start to help him pack, looking into his green candy apple eyes.

But it's the last thing I see before I fall to the ground.

*Please don't stop reading omg I'm sorry like I said I promise this won't turn into Twist and Shout

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