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Dinah's POV

When I returned home I hadn't been expecting to find twenty cars parked outside my mansion with music blasting from the house, but then again I couldn't really expect anything good to happen with Lauren Jauregui around.

Annoyed, I grabbed my purse and slid out from the comfort of soft leather seats in my Range Rover, being sure to lock the doors as I eyed the surrounding cars.

I should've known I couldn't leave Lauren alone for eight hours, let alone even leave her alone for any time! The girl was seriously starting to get on my nerves and it wasn't just the rude comments or throwing parties.

She was so lucky that my father was nice enough to let her come here, to stay in my home. Lauren had never worked for anything in her life and just when I got away from her, she showed up on my doorstep.

Only two months had passed since her father had reasoned with my daddy to let Lauren stay here in return for relieving the large debt my father had left after investing in too many stocks that Mike managed. Those two months had been a living hell and I knew it could only get worse.

As I walked up the front lawn of my mansion that I had worked so very hard for, a man ran out of the open front door, a white shirt in his hand that he seemed to be holding proudly. Before I could speak, he was running into the backyard shouting,"I got Jauregui's shirt!!!"

A dark glare settled in my eyes as I marched into my house, attempting to make my way through the crowd of sweaty college students.

I simply couldn't believe Lauren, five parties in one week was just too much to handle.

Finally, I maneuvered my way to the front of my living room where a DJ was controlling the music. Wrapping a hand around the plug, I pulled roughly and the horrible mix tape that had been playing came to a dead silence.

Heads of many turned towards me as my glare only became angrier.

"Get out! Now!" My voice echoed through the open living room and hopefully into the rest of the house. "Out!"

Luckily, the people left quickly as I breathed heavily. My cheeks felt hot with anger as bodies flooded out of my house, leaving a large mess of beer cans and discarded clothing.

"Lauren!!!" I screamed as stragglers ran out of separate rooms and out the front door.

A head of black hair appeared and slowly, beautiful green eyes and light, full pink lips dawned in the faint light of the upstairs hallway, making out the face of the one and only, Lauren Jauregui.

I couldn't help but let a sigh of relief leave my parted lips as my brown eyes met her emerald ones.

She had wrecked my house, again, but somehow I found myself thankful that she was fine. Lauren pissed me off more than anyone but I couldn't help but feel protective over her.

"What?" Lauren's cold voice snapped me out of the genuine thoughts I had been having about her.

"What are you doing?! I said no more parties! You destroyed my house again! Do you know how hard I fucking work for this place, Lauren?! Oh wait, of course you wouldn't because you've never worked for a damn thing in your entire life!" I yelled and for a moment I thought I saw a hint of pain strike her eyes but like a whip, it was quickly drawn away from sight.

Her green eyes rolled just as I had expected and she walked down the stairs, her posture lazy and tired as she made her way to the lower floor.

A black Victoria Secret sports bra covered her chest and a pair of dark grey sweatpants hung off her waist, leaving her stomach exposed much to my disliking.

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