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Wow. Here we are. Chapter twenty. Let's go.


Walking up the steps to my home felt foreign. I felt foreign. Like I was entering a place I should not be.

I held my suitcase in my hands, the object just making me feel more like a visitor than the owner of the house. Shakily, I raise my hand to press the doorbell, forgetting I was the one who had the key to get in.

Clara had told me Lauren had went back to Los Angeles to be with me and I hoped it was the truth, because for the past month and a half without her in the hellhole, I knew I wouldn't make it without her anymore.

I had endured too much pain, too much torture to the point when I saw a gun, I would kick it away as if it was something trying to attack me instead of taking it like I usually would.

I was aware of what they had done to me in the "rehabilitation facility" and it scared me because it was like they had trained me, brainwashed even, to be a perfect human being. I wasn't sure if I was supposed to remember the things they did to me but I did.

The door opened and my heart dropped to my stomach as Lauren stood there with wide eyes, CC in her arms.

"Hi," I choked out and dropped my bag, my arms immediately reaching for her.

"Hey," she greeted and I was happy to see she did flinch away but accepted my attempt and walked into my embrace.

It wasn't long till the waterworks started and I was crying silently, thankful to be with her.
"We have a lot to talk about," I whispered into her dark hair and she looked up at me, her bright green eyes shining with hope.

"Yeah. Yeah we do," she replied and pushed up gently, letting her lips connect with mine. It had been a long time since I had felt her kiss me and this couldn't have been anymore perfect.

I was home, and things would get better.


After discussing everything including what had happened to me, why she had left, and how we were handling the future, things couldn't be better. I was finally where I belonged and I was ready to be the mom CC needed me to be.

I mean I was still a little bit angry at the fact she named our child after Camila but I decided I would just call her Clara for now, at least till I could get used to seeing more of grown up Camila in Lauren's life.

Once again, she had followed my fiancé like a lost puppy and was back in Los Angeles. Apparently, I was the only one who thought it was a bit strange that she wanted to be wherever Lauren was but I guess I'd just have to live with it.

"Baby, can you come hold CC," Lauren asked and I immediately sprung up, walking in excitement towards the kitchen where Lauren was starting dinner. She only rolled her eyes as she gave me out daughter before emptying a box of noodles into boiling water.

Things had gone back to normal almost immediately and that I was glad for because I didn't want to mourn on the past. I wanted to live now, be a mother now, accept what was happening now.

CC stared at me with wide eyes as I looked down at her, taking in every one of her features. I couldn't remember what had happened in the hospital that clearly but I remember her crying in my arms when I held her the first time. Now she only stared and watched, her eyes seeming to be calculating every move I made like Lauren's tend to do.

"Hello baby," I whispered and she made a small sound as if she were trying to speak.

"Hola, bebé," Lauren grumbled behind me. "Try to use as much Spanish as you can Dinah. She needs to learn," my fiancé said and I groaned, earning an eye roll from her.

"Hola, bebé," I said strongly, pronouncing the word with more effort than needed to annoy Lauren who groaned behind me.

CC only giggled and squirmed around, reaching for my hand which I gladly let her take.

She was beautiful. She had the color of Lauren's eyes but they were the shape of mine and she had many of the Polynesian features. Her hair was already thick and dark, like both Lauren's and mine. I wondered if it would lighten up to brown because I remembered Lauren telling me how she was born with black hair but it lightened to brown and she eventually dyed it back.

I was so curious to see how our daughter would grow and change but I knew how to savor the moment, it was something Lauren had constantly reminded me of before.

"Soy tú madre," I spoke my best as I heard Lauren gasp in surprise. I didn't speak Spanish well but I had heard her and Camila have conversations in the language for hours and I picked up a few words. Hopefully it would be enough to teach CC.

The baby only giggled more at my struggle to speak and shook her arms, obviously wanting to be out of the blanket. I was very tempted but I knew I should leave her in, it was cold today.

"Dinner is ready," I heard Lauren say and I turned around, smiling at my fiancé as CC looked around with wide eyes.

She seemed curious about everything and I hoped it would be a trait she took with her as she grew up because curiosity was what urged people to learn.

As I served myself some noodles and chicken, Lauren took CC and disappeared out of the kitchen. I wondered where she was going.

I waited a few minutes but she didn't return so I called out. "Lauren?"

"What?" She asked loudly and I stood up, following the sound of her voice upstairs.

"Where are you?" I shouted and noticed one of the guest bedroom doors cracked.

"In here!" I pushed the door open and my eyes widened as I saw Lauren sitting in a rocking chair with a sleeping CC in her arms.

"Like it?" She asked nervously and I took in the room. It was beautiful.

It was painted as a whole mural practically and what caught me off guard was something that couldn't make me any happier.

It had been painted to look like the ocean that led up to a beach and beside it there were tales, Polynesian tales that were painted in black on one of the walls. In the sea there were fish and bubbles and anything that would be there in real life.

It was absolutely stunning and I knew the moment I saw the brush strokes, Lauren had done this.

"Lauren," I could only stare in disbelief as I looked over at her, a whimsical smile on her face. "This is amazing. This is beautiful. Did you do this?"

She only nodded and watched as I traced the walls. "You are amazing," I whispered and looked at her, walking over and kissing her softly.

I could feel her smiling against my lips as we kissed sweetly before I pulled away.

"Thank you," I whispered and it was for everything.

It was for loving me, for taking me on this adventure with her. It was was for giving me a child and accepting me into their lives. It was for everything.

"You're welcome, Miss Hansen."

~The End~

😁hey y'all. Said I'd fix it. I fixed it. This is the end. Thanks for all the support. I will definitely be writing another book. Leave your thoughts about what I should do for a next book in the comments. This was really fun to write and I'm excited to do more. You guys have been nothing but the best and I thank you for everything. I can't wait to see you all in the new book(if you read that. Probs won't because well, *points at myself*)
I love y'all. Bye.


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