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Life had taken a down turn the moment Dinah left.

It not only pained me emotionally, but it caused me fear and more anxiety than needed.

Every night after that I cried myself to bed and when I woke up from night terrors I was only trapped in another nightmare, and she wasn't here to be my saving grace.

I was angry, confused, and depressed.

It had been too long and no matter how hard I tried to forget her, I just couldn't.

She was probably living the dream, falling in love with a beautiful English woman, while I was here, alone.

It was wrong to pity myself. I knew that.

Camila and Mani reminded me everyday that it was her who had left me behind. It was her who had tricked me into thinking she loved me.

It had all just been a game.

And she had won.


I was sitting in my bed, watching The Notebook for the hundredth time this month as I downed another carton of ice cream.

I was still living in her house because I couldn't afford an apartment.

That's what I had told Ally, but it was lie.

I was here because i couldn't let go of the Polynesian girl.

Everyday, I just replayed moments of us.

From the day we met to the night she told me she was leaving.

Of course, the thoughts only caused more crying and I didn't find myself stopping anytime soon.

That's when the door bell rang.

I sauntered downstairs lazily, confused as to why someone would be here at ten o'clock at night.

As I neared the door I felt something in my gut telling me not to open the door and this was the first time I had completely denied my instincts and opened the door.

My eyes became wide as if I had an unhealthy amount of sugar running through my body as I stared at her, which I practically did.

"D-Dinah," I stuttered and before I knew it, her lips were crashing into mine.

This was wrong.

I should be angry.

But I couldn't be when my body involuntarily clung to hers and kissed back with much more force than I had thought.

Her lips moved against mine, fierce with passion as I melted into the kiss, literally slouching into her strong hold as I cried.

When she did pull away, tears were still running down my cheeks and that's when it happened.

I slapped her across the cheek as hard as I could and moved out of her hold as her eyes shot open in shock.

"How could you!" I screamed and the volume of my raspy voice even struck fear into myself as she stared at me.

Her brown eyes were filled with fear and for a moment I saw a hint of guilt but I wasn't done.


Before I knew it, I was the one initiating the kiss as I grabbed her by her cheeks and smashed our lips into each other's.

"I'm sorry," she whispered as I kissed her roughly, pushing all my anger into the moment as she pushed me up against the wall and I felt her heated breath moving to my neck.

Desire • Laurinah[COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now