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This chapter is dedicated to a very special piece of bread(comment if you know that reference), Brad Simpson. ^^listen to da song


Lauren's POV

Life had been especially hard now without the guidance of Dinah Jane Hansen, or as I liked to call her, Miss Hansen.

After the night I left her in the hospital, I packed up and left then didn't look back.

That was the first mistake I made because little did I know, life was really hard without her.

It's been one and a half months and luckily, I had managed to get discovered. I was selling my photography pieces one day in LA and a man who turned out to be a National Geographic publisher said my work was amazing and soon I made a little name for myself.

I found an apartment and life was good. Camila, Normani, and Ally helped me host my art shows and one night I met the dashing Brad Simpson.

He was from overseas and bought a lot of my art for his father's company in Britain. Seeming really nice, we hung out a lot and a little hole in my heart that Dinah had once inhabited was filled by the company of Brad.

"Lauren, what do you want to drink?" Brad asked rather loudly as I laid on his couch.

One thing I forgot to mention, he's been rather possessive and thinks we're together.

"Cerveza, por favor," I found myself replying and immediately clamped my hand over my mouth. "Beer! Please!" I corrected myself and sighed quietly.

He wasn't very fond of my Cuban background and my urge to speak Spanish every once in awhile. It was hard being away from home and my family where we spoke on daily basis.

"What was that?!"

"Beer! Thank you!"

I heard him grumble some incoherent words beneath his breath before he returned with two beers and handed one to me.

"So, what are you doing tomorrow?" He asked and slumped down into the spot next to me lazily. My gaze was trained on the bright city of L.A. and I gasped as he yanked my head towards him roughly. "I'm talking to you!"

"S-sorry," I stuttered and looked down, setting my beer away. "I was going to see an old friend."

"What? Who? Baby girl, you know you don't need anyone but me," he whispered and leaned close to me, the smell of alcohol in his breath burning my nose. No matter how many times I told him, he didn't seem to understand that I wasn't into boys. Well, at least not with one girl on my mind.

Brad had been trying to get a squeeze at my ass the first time we hung out since the casual parties that made me believe he was a trustworthy guy. It was annoying and gross, it was something she would never do.

"I just need to ask them something," I replied, slowly leaning back but he only pushed closer.

"Who's them?"

"D-Dinah," I answered and his brown eyes became angry.

"I told you to stay away from her!" He shouted and I flinched as his arm came up. Before he could hit me though, I pushed him backwards and it all happened slowly. His body sprung back and his head came down on the edge of a coffee table, blood squirting everywhere. His eyes closed and he laid on the ground.

"Oh my gosh! Brad!" I shook him, hoping he would wake up but with no reaction I gave up. He was still breathing, his pulse beating regularly.

Immediately, I called 911, and surprisingly the dispatcher had calmed me down enough to guide me through taking care of it before the ambulance arrived.

The whole time, I watched in shock as they took him away and told me that everything would be alright.

But it wasn't, I had just severely injured another human being and that went against everything I had ever stood for.

"Miss Jauregui, is there anyone we can call to come get you?" An officer asked but I was already running.

My legs took me as fast as I could down the stairs and out the apartment building, into the streets of downtown Los Angeles.

I knew where I was going, it was a beaten path I knew well.

I was going to see Dinah Jane Hansen and I was going to tell her everything.

I ran as quickly as I could, through parks, through neighborhoods, and through dark alleys.

That was mistake number two.

I tripped over a plank of wood, a sharp pain shooting up my left foot as I yelped and fell to the ground.

"No, no, no," I whispered to myself as I looked around, figures starting to approach me.

"Grab her," a deep voice spoke and I pressed away from them, trying to escape.

However, my efforts were not enough when two pairs of arms hooked around my arms and lifted me up.

"No!" I tried to scream but a hand came over my mouth and I faded out.


When I woke up, I knew what had happened. It hadn't even needed a second to come back.

I had been kidnapped.

"Good, your awake," the familiar deep voice spoke and I whimpered as a cold hand grabbed onto my neck.

"You're gonna help us get what we want," he whispered in my ear and held onto my neck tighter.

"I don't know what you're talking about," I whispered and a hard slap across the face left my cheek burning.

"You know exactly what were talking about Lauren Jauregui. You're daddy has a lot of money and we want some so smile and say cheese."

The hand released my neck and I looked up in confusion before a blinding light flashed, someone taking a picture of me.

"Please, no," I whispered but I was already fading back into darkness.

I wanted out, I wanted to go home.

No one knew where I was, no one would come for me.


Sorry this is a short chapter. In case you were confused, this is from Lauren's point of view after Dinah gets in the car accident.


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