Chapter 2: Am I Jealous?

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Chapter 2

Katherine’s POV

“Hey babe” Ross said and placed a soft kiss on my cheek.

We were standing at our lockers. Ross was my boyfriend and honestly, I have no idea why I was dating him…

“Oh, hey."I quickly replied back, trying to hide the irritation in my voice.

“I was thinking that why don’t you and I go to the movies tonight? We can watch ‘Wrong Turn 7. Pick you up at 8:00’’ He said, grinning like the Cheshire cat.


I had no mood of watching a horror movie with him. We had only started dating like last month and he was always asking me on dates. I do agree that he was kinda good looking but there was something about him that made him a real time jerk.

“Ross, you know that I hate horror movies, especially Wrong Turn!”  I whined, hoping he would listen to me.

“Come on Kat! We are going and I mean it baby. It’ll be fun!” He said and then surprisingly kissed me full on the mouth.

I had no choice but to kiss him back and so I did. It felt so gross but I couldn’t really do anything.

“Okay bye baby, I’ll pick you up at eight” He said winking and left.

Eeeww. I hate it when he kisses me. I want to break up with him but don’t know how. But I can’t! Not so soon. Urghh.  

“No, wear this one!” Emma told me, grabbing the baby pink dress from my hands and putting a short dark purple one in my hands instead. It was very pretty but there was no way in hell I was wearing that. It stopped mid thigh and was extremely tight with silver beads on top of the dress.

‘’Have you lost your mind? I don’t want that jerk to get the chance to see me in something like this. No way. It’s way too dangerous to wear this around him!” I snapped at Emma who had a determined look on her face.

“Listen Katherine. I know that you have a crush on Lu-“

“I WHAT!?!”  I interrupted her in panic.

“You don’t have to lie to me Kat! I’m your best friend. I have noticed it. Just don’t deny!” She told me in a calm tone.

I bit my lip. Why was she trying to stir up something inside me which never exists? Or does it?

“Whatever Em, get to the point.” I said.

“Okayy, well the point is that you don’t need to dress this way for Ross. Luke will see you on the way out and if he gets angry, he might just be jealous.'’ Emma winked

“Seriously, Em? This is ridiculous. Why would I want to impress Luke? Okay, I know that we have different parents but that doesn’t make it okay. He has a girlfriend! You know Claire? Yeah, well he’s dating her now and okay I do admit I have a slight crush on him but what makes you think he likes me back?” I told her with a very serious tone.

She smiled at me and folded her arms.

“Trust me, this will work! Nothing is wrong with falling in love with Luke. He’s not even your brother in real. Go on this date with Ross and make sure Luke sees you when Ross comes to pick you up!” Emma smirked.

“Ughh, fine. I’ll get to work!” I said, feeling kind of weird but definitely hopeful. I know Emma is just buffing. Of course, Luke doesn’t like me but I still want him to see me in this dress so he thinks I look amazing.

I grabbed my curler and got to work.

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