Chapter 20: Uh-Oh

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*Katherine's POV*

"I think it's kinda cute that he's so possessive about you" Emma teased me

We were sitting in my room and I was telling my best friend everything that was happening to me lately

"Yea, I guess you're right. But it's just so annoying sometimes. I just wish that Chace and Luke could settle everything like men. I don't even know what has happened between those two." I replied, deep in thought.

Suddenly, my phone rang and "What does the fox say" started playing. Okay, I get it. The song is really catchy and annoying sometimes too but I think that the song is really funny and cute so I set it as my ringtone.

I looked at the caller ID and "Chace" was written in bright letters. We had exchanged numbers the day he dropped me off.

"Hey Chace, you really need to stop calling me after every 50 minutes or I guess I'll just have to put your number in my blocklist" I joked

I heard him chuckle, "I'll just buy a new number and call you with that, then" he teased back.

"anyways, what's the emergency?" I asked smiling to myself

"Well sugar, there's a party tonight. I was just wondering if you wanted to come. It's at Marcus' house"

I looked at Emma mouthing "should-I-go?" to her and she nodded her head

"Umm okay, what time is it? And I don't know the way"

"it's at 8:00 and don't worry, I'll pick you up. Wear something sexy" he joked

"shut up, be at my place at 8:00, k?" I told him and he agreed so I ended the call

I glanced at Em, and she was smiling.

"What?" I questioned

"judging by the way he calls you like after every 5 minutes, I think he likes you Kat" she told me, smirking

"what?! No way, he's just being annoying; anyways tell me what should I wear"

She got up and opened my closet and pulled out a royal blue tight and short dress.

"No way in hell am I going to wear something that revealing" I retorted

She huffed and crossed her arms.

"okay fine, you win." she replied after a silent battle and pulled out a black silk dress that stopped mid-thigh. It wasn't very tight, but it fit perfectly enough to compliment my curves. The dress has black and red sequins embedded onto the top of the dress and was plain black silk from the bottom.

"Yea, this is the one" I replied, smiling.

"Great!" she cheered and pulled put a pair of black 5 inch heels.

"Lets get to work then?" I asked, raising an eyebrow

She grabbed the curler and started curling the ends of my hair. It was already 6:00 PM and I only had two hours to get ready. Then, she began with my make-up.

Em applied a little bit of eyeliner on the sides of my eyes and a little bit of mascara and redish lip gloss. I told her to keep it simple so she only put on a little bit of make-up for me.

After an hour of touching up everything, I slipped into my dress and put my high heels on. I did a little twirl in front of the mirror just to check if everything was perfect. Emma clapped her hands in excitement

"You look gorgeous and hot" she exclaimed

"you really think so?" I asked, a little unsure.

"Yup yup" she replied, feeling accomplished.

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