Chapter 19: It'll Always Be You, Luke

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*Luke's POV*

I couldn't believe that asshole! How dare he even try to touch Katherine? I guess Chace was just asking for a beating from me. I wonder what he wanted from Kat earlier and now that I saw her blowing air kisses to him too... he was so dead.

"So now you two are blowing air kisses to each other too, huh?" I asked Katherine, challengingly; with anger laced inside my voice. I deserved to know what was going on between those two.

She just stared at me and bit her lip nervously. Her eyes were wide with fear and she looked frightened. My chest clenched tightly at seing her so scared but I decided to remain firm on my anger. I folded my hands across my chest and looked at her expectingly.

"Will you tell me what on earth is going on between you and that ass-hole? Are you into him? Tell me Katherine... do you like him?" I asked her venomously.

"Are you out of your right mind? Of course not Luke! Why would you think that?!" She asked, frustrated.

I looked into her eyes searching desperately for the truth. Her beautiul eyes shone with truthfulness.

"...And besides, I don't think you have the right to doubt and question me like that. Besides, I can do whatever I want Luke. It's my life, not yours." She told me after a long pause.

Woah. Where did she learn how to talk back like that from? This girl was really strong from the inside. Impressive.

"I can ask you whatever I want, do you get that? And if I see you with him again I swear I'll tear him into small pieces right in front of every one." I told her, dangerously slowly.

"Your enemies are not my enemies, Luke. I will hang out with anyone I like. I hate to repeat myself but you can't control me Luke. I'm not your toy." She spat at me.

That's it.

I grabbed her arm tightly and dragged her roughly towards my room. Dad and Lauren weren't here anyways.

"Let me go!" she screamed

"Stop, you're hurting me! Let me go Luke!" She bellowed frantically.

There was no way I was going to listen to her anytime soon. I dragged her upstairs to my room and pushed her inside roughly,locking the door behind us.

"What do you think you're doing?" She huffed, her whole face was red. She crossed her arms over her chest and stared at me angrily. I grabbed her face in both of my hands and inched myself closer to her.

"Tell me" I whispered to her trying to be gentle

"What is it that you want from me,Luke?" She asked

"Why are you hanging out with that asshole? Don't you know I hate him?" 

She paused for a second and looked down.

"I... don't know. I guess I just think he's sweet. And don't call him that! Besides Luke, I can have my own friends to." She repeated firmly.

I sighed in frustration. I guess she was right. I was no one to boss her around. 

"Fine, you can be his friend. But promise me you'll be careful, okay? And if I see him trying to try something on you I swear I'll-"

"Okay okay Luke! I get it." She giggled interrupting me.

I looked at her. She was so beautiful. My eyes trailed down to her lips, she was biting them.

"Don't do that." I snapped

"What?" She asked, confused.

"Don't... bite your lips." I repeated slowly.

She started unconsciously biting them again.

"W-Why?" She asked, a little breathless

"Because it makes me want to do this" I told her and in a rush I crashed her lips with mine, kissing her passionately.She wrapped her arms around my neck. I nibbled on her lower lip and she allowed me entrance. I slid my tongue inside her mouth and explored her mouth. Our lips meshed perfectly. My hands trailed down her body and I pushed her roughly against the wall. Without thinking, I slipped my hand inside her shit.

This felt way too good...

I slid my thumb inside her bra and grazed her breast with my finger.

She felt so good...

But we had to stop.

I quickly parted away looking down and messing up my hair guiltily.

"S-sorry." I murmured quickly.

She came closer to me and whispered in my ear:

"It'll always be you, Luke. Only and only you." 

I smiled to myself and when I looked back up, she was gone.

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