Chapter 3: Oh My Movies

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Chapter 3

*Luke’s POV*

“Babyyy! Oh my gosh I missed you so much!” Claire cooed over the phone.

“Yes Claire, what do you want?” I snapped, disturbed by her annoying voice.

k, I know. That was kind of rude but hey, I don’t like being cheesy with Claire. She always gets on my nerves. I knew she was going to ask me to take her on a date tonight. She always does that.

“Okay baby, I want you to take me out. We could go to the movies! Wrong Turn 7 starts at 8:30 and I think it will be amazing if we go. Pick me up at eight okay babe?” She said in a ‘please-don’t-turn-me-down” tone.

Why the hell should I go?

“Okay babe. Be ready by eight. I’ll come” I said and rolled my eyes.

“Oh my gosh! I love you. You know how much!” She said to me. 

As  fucking usual.

I came out of the shower and rushed to my room. I grabbed a fresh pair of boxers and put on a white plaid tee shirt along with navy blue polo shorts. I put on my perfume and grabbed the car keys. It was exactly 7:55 and I rushed to the living room.

I stopped dead. Oh my god.

There Katherine was, sitting on the couch and staring at her watch. She looked like she was waiting for someone, maybe that beef head Ross was going to pick her up. On a date? Wait why did I care? Until I stared at her outfit and stopped my steps in awe. She looked so… so… sexy?

Oh no. I did not just call my sister (well sort of) sexy.

No, no, no. Just no fucking no.

“What are you doing here?” I asked sternly

“Ross wants to take me out, is there a problem?” She snapped at me and stood up.

“You’re not going to go, not when you’re wearing that Katherine!’’ I caught myself saying.

It was true. I was not going to let that jerk take her somewhere out while she was looking like that.

“Too late Luke. You can’t control what I do, what I wear or who I go out with. I think I look fine.” She told me with a serious face.

What is wrong with me? Why do I feel like ripping Ross’s head off when he is just taking her out?

*Katherine’s POV*

“Whatever Katherine, do what you want.” He told me and before I knew it, he took a few steps closer to me until his face was just a few inches apart from mine. He was clearly fuming with anger, which definitely scared me but there was no way I was going to show him that.

I looked into his ravishing blue eyes and before I knew, I could feel his hot breath tickling my ear and neck.

“I am sorry for acting too possessive Kat” he whispered in my ear and held my hand.

Oh god. No I could not give it away. I tried to make the surroundings which were slowly turning uncomfortable a bit lighter.

I slapped his hand away playfully and smiled widely.

“It’s okay, Luke.” I told him and he smiled.

With that, there was heavy knocking at the door and we both quickly jumped away from each other.

I ran towards the door and was greeted by Ross.

“Ready babe?” he told me and pecked my cheek.

“Yea I am” I said and put on a fake smile.

“Move.” Ross and I both turned around to find Luke with the car keys in his hand motioning Ross to clear out so he could go out.

“Yea sure bro” Ross grinned and cleared the door.

Before I knew it, Luke rushed out with an angry look on his face.

 Surprised at Luke's cold behaviour, Ross grabbed my hand and led me towards his jeep. We sat in and made our way towards the cinema.


A/N: Hey lovelies! <3 Please vote and comment :) It will really mean a lot to me. 

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