Chapter 17: Rest In Peace

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Chapter 17

Katherine’s POV

“WHAT?!”  My mother screamed, widening her eyes; which were filled with complete and utter shock.

I turned my head towards Martin, with hope filled in my eyes. I wished at least one of them was in on this! Suddenly, his mouth gaped open and he had a disappointed expression plastered over his face. The next thing I knew, he put his head down and rubbed his forehead, in order to take in whatever Luke and I just told them both.

You’re probably wondering how Luke and I ended up glued to our chairs, swallowing hard and looking at our parents guiltily, right? Well let me tell you.

*20 minutes earlier*

“Mom, Martin…” I trailed off taking a seat on the table my parents were sitting on, sipping their coffee serenely and having a normal conversation.

“We have something to tell you.” Luke completed the sentence for me, also taking a sentence.

Mom frowned, “What’s wrong?”

I looked at Luke abruptly, silently motioning him to tell mom. Clearly, my girl balls had fallen off. He narrowed his eyes and gave me the ‘Why-me?’ look. I shook my head furiously and darted my eyes back and forth from Luke to mom. In short words, Luke and I were engaged in a silent battle on who would burst the bubble.

Martin cleared his throat, “I suppose you two have something to tell us?”

Luke glared at me and groaned inwardly. I sighed in relief, Luke was starting first.

“Dad, I know we should have told you earlier but Katherine and I,… we…uhh... we…we sort of…we sort of have this thing going on.” He blurted.

Smooth move, Luke.

“What thing?Martin asked, his frown growing bigger.

Ughhh this was so confusing! I guess I had to do it because Luke just froze in his seat looking at his dad as if he had asked him the hardest question in his Physics book.

“Luke and I… we like each other.” I told them both, in my most mature and sensible tone.

Mom stayed quiet the whole time, just examining both of us carefully. Luke and I stole glances.

“That’s wonderful news honey, it’s nice to know you both like each other. Always behave politely and positive feelings will automatically grow” My mom smiled at us both.

Was she for real? Did she really think we meant to tell her we like each other, as if in the positively friendly way? I quickly looked at Luke, he had a bewildered expression plastered upon his face and tilted his head back slightly.

“No, mom. We don’t mean that kind of liking… Luke and I, we’re… umm  you know what I mean?” Great, how would I explain this to both of them? For a minute they stayed remotely silent and after exactly 62 seconds, they both looked at each other, widened their eyes and mom even gasped. She gasped. Was it really that bad?

And yup that is how we’re here now.

**End of flashback**

“Katherine Jane Martin” My mom firmly stated, looking at me directly.

Oh for the saints.

“Are you telling me you’re involved with Luke, in other words my step-son?!” She raised her voice with coldness and disbelief laced in it.

“Yes. No. Yes. Maybe. Okay. Fine. Yes. No. Maybe. Okay yes, yes.” I blurted out.

Mom and Martin scrunched their eyebrows and looked at both of us, utterly disgusted.

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