The Wedding.

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The whole kingdom was abuzz  I'm the days leading up to the Wedding. King Beast and Queen Belle, traveled along with the rest of the VKs. Rapunzel and Eugene arrived a few days before them. Everyone was excited except one.

"Elsa, what's wrong?" Anna says as she fixes her sisters hair.

"I don't know, I have this feeling like something bad is going to happen."


"Hans wanted to marry you so he could overthrow me and take the throne. I know he's changed, but I still fear that's the only reason he wanted to marry me."

Anna kneeled down in front of her sister.

"Elsa, you know how I feel about Hans. But these last few months we really got to know him, and why he did what he did. Belive me if I had 12 older sisters that constantly bullied me and treated me like a servent I probably would have done the same thing he did."

"No you wouldn't."

"OK I was saying if I was in his shoes, I know I'm not a meanie."

The both laugh as Eli knocks on the door.

"Can I come in?"


Eli steps into the room and gasps. His mother's dress was the most elaborate, stunning dress she's ever made (image above).

"Wow, that dress is amazing." Eli says starstruck.

"Thank you."

"Are you ready?"

"Yes." Eli holds out his hand for his mother to take it. As they walk across the courtyard to the chapel, they hear orgen music start and through the windows they see everyone start to stand. Hans gasps as Elsa walks into the room, Dizzy's jaw hits the ground as she sees the dress. Belle and Beast smiled. Evie was jealous of the dress and Mal had to hold her back to prevent her from running up and tearing the dress off Elsa. When she gets up to the front the preist starts the ceremony.

"We have come together – families and friends – to witness Queen Elsa  and Prince Hans as they exchange their vows of marriage.

We share with them their delight in finding love with each other, and support their decision to be together from now until the end of time.

As this couple enters into marriage, they do so with thought and reverence.

They give thanks for the past, which brought them to this place, and look forward with hope to what the future will bring.

Marriage is like a great umbrella that shelters love from the elements.

Corinthians One says that love is patient and kind.

It is not jealous or boastful, not irritable or resentful, not arrogant or rude.

Love does not insist on its’ own way.

It does not rejoice in the wrong, but rejoices in the right.

Love bears all things, believes all things, hopes in all things and endures all things.

Love never ends.

This marriage is a symbol of Queen Elsa and Prince Hans’s commitment to that love."

Eli and Carlos looked at each other during the end. Anna burst Into tears. Just as the preist was about to pronounce the Husband and wife a blast of cold airs shot throughout the chapel. Eli and his mother exchange questioning glances as the doors blast off their hinges. In the door way stood a woman in white. She wasn't wearing a wedding dress, but it was a magnificent ballgown, covered in glittering white crystals. Her white hair lose around her head.

"Sorry I'm late." She says before walking forward leaving a trail of ice down the aisle. Elsa steps forward not noticing the look of shock on Hans face.

"Who are you! And how dare you interrupt my wedding."

The woman stops and looks hurt.

"Is that any way to greet your aunt?" Elsa is taken back.

"That's right niece, your mother was my sister. And she had me banished because of my ability. Which is the same as yours." She opened her palm and a giant snowflake hovered above her hand. She closed her hand and looked back up at them.

"Do you want to know why we have these powers? Because in our family the first born, heir to the throne, the next in line, what ever you want to call it. We are supposed to be powerful, we are supposed to be able to stop army's dead I  their tracks. Your mother - my sister- was jealous that I had magic and she was normal. So she planned for me to kill our mother and have me banished so she could take the throne."

The entire chapel went silent. The woman turned to Hans.

"Of course you would want to marry her, shes just like me. OH! Theirs someone who wants to meet you. SARA!!!" She yells, a girl with white hair sticks her head through the door way.

"Yes mother." Sara says

"Come here." Sara holds her head down and walks up to The front people gasp as she walks forward. Mals jaw drops as she sees her. When Sara looks up at Hans he gasps and looks at Hannah who's eyes were about to pop out of her face.

"Twins" He whispers, Elsa looks at him in confusion.

"That's right Hans, meet our other daughter. It's been a long time Hannah, you look just like your father." The woman says.

Hannah and Sara stare at each other in amazement before a snow cloud engulfs the two and their gone.

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