Escape From Wonderland

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Eli and Carlos step into a magnificent rose garden holding hands.

"Well where is the rest of our friends?" Eli says, Carlos looks around afraid when movement catches his attention.

"HEY!" Carlos yells and a girl steps out from behind a tree.

"Carlos? Is that really you?" Ally asks

* * *

Mal and Evie step into a giant white throne room. Everything in sight is white. They stood out like sore thumbs.

"Uh, M? Where is everyone." Evie asks. Mal spins around to see that the mirror was gone and so was the rest of their group. Mal was about to say something when they hear the sounds of high heels clicking on the polished marble floor. Mal pulls Evie behind a large white pillar. They watch a blond woman, dressed in white walk through the room.

"The Queen will fall...when love will thaw...but it can't be regular love.... No she protected herself from needs to be the one to love...she needs to activate true love...But her heart is frozen...She cannot love...." The woman says pacing around the throne. Evie recognized her as soon as she saw her face.

"Queen Mirana of Marmoreal!" She gasps. Mal just stared at her with a blank expression.

"The Red Queens sister? The white Queen."

"Oh, right" Mal says Should have paid attention in wonderland history.

Evie jumps up just as there's a cloud of glitter explodes in front of the White Queen. When it clears Fairy Godmother is standing in the room.

"Fairy Godmother!" Mal yells causing the two women to look at them.

"Mal? Oh good heavens are you alright?" Sh asks running over.

Mal explains everything that had happened.

"Why is wonderland the same?" Evie asks.

"Wonderland is a place of twists and confusion, it's always changing never the same. That's why all worlds you went to have changed in one place or another but wonderland never changes but always is." The White Queen says.

Suddenly the door bursts open and one of the Queens Gaurds walk in. He whispers in her ear.

"Ok show them in."

The gaurd walks off and moments later Queen Elsa and the rest of the group walks in.

"Guys, where's Carlos and Eli?"

* * *

"Wonderland is a bridge between worlds. Its the only one. But wonderland has never been fully explored." Ally explains.

Carlos nods and looks around them.

"So where are we?" Eli asks.

"The Red Queens rose garden."

Carlos looks at her in fear.

"Ok we need to leave now." He says. Eli grabs his arm.


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