Gender swaped

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"What?" Eli asks.

"We're not back home. In this place the people we know have switched genders. At least I think so." Mal says walking towards who she thinks is her male self. She walks up behind him and grabs his shoulder, the kid in the blue give her the 'big mistake' look before looking confused. The boy in purple slowly turns around to look at her.

"Do you not know who I am?" He says looking at her.

"Not exactly, but I want to test something. Give me your phone."

"Why would I do that?"

Mal looks him in the eyes and she feels the magic rush to her eyes causing them to glow green. The boy in purple gasps.

"How did you...?" He says.

"I think you know. Give me your phone to prove it."

The guy pulls out his phone, the case looked very similar to hers, dragon scales and a spot of paint. She hits the home button and sees it's protected with a finger print.

Here goes nothing. She says to her self and places her ring finger on the sensor. After a few seconds the phone unlocks and she looks up at his very confused expression, the other girl and the boy just look at her in complete shock as Mals freinds come up behind her.

"What did I just witnessed?" The boy in blue asks.

"I have no clue, Q. How did you unlock my phone?" The boy in purple asks.

"Bc apparently we're the same, except for gender. Let me guess your mother is Mistress of Evil?" Mal says.

"Nope. Don't even know my mom. My father on the other had is the Master of Evil. Malefico."

"Eficent! Quinn! Bella! You guys ready for the tourny game!" A dark haired girl says walking up.

"Farclilla, something has come up and I don't think we're going to make the game." The girl says.

"Bella what? What happened?" Farclilla asks.

"Farclilla meet...??" The boy in purple asks.

"Mal, daughter of Maleficent." Mal says purple haired guy looks at her in surprise.


"Mistress of Evil. Maleficent?"

"I have no clue who she is."

"Oh great. Even our parents have swaped genders."

Mal looks at the three VKs and the the female version of Ben. Who suddenly gasped.

"Oh shoot, I needed to go to a fitting for the Cotillion. I'll see you later ok?" She says kissing his cheak and running off. Mal looks at her male doppelganger in wonder.

"Well now I know when we appeared in our story." She asks.

"Huh?" He replies.

"How was the battle between your Uma? I mean while trying to retrive the Trident?" She asks.

"Who's Uma? Don't you mean Uri? And it was a peice of cake."

"Uh huh. And the time reversal spell?"

"Ha! The look on his face was priceless." He laughs. The bell rings and all the students starts heading towards their classes.

"Look I gotta go. I'll talk to you later. It won't be hard to miss you...since we probably think the same." He says before walking away. Mal turns to look at the rest of her group.

"Well we need to find a way out of this genderswaped mess."

Breaking A Frozen Heart : Descendants Get Frozen Over book 2Where stories live. Discover now