A Mirror Image

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AK Carlos and Evie lead Mal and the rest of her freinds to the front of the school as Mals doppelganger walked out of the school with what appeared to be Maleficent.

"Mom!?" Mal said without thinking. Both Maleficent and AK Mal turned in suprise. AK Mals jaw drops upon seeing them.

"What the heck?" She says.

Before Mal can say anything a limo stops in front of the school. And the door is thrown open and Audrey and Jane fall out fighting over a curtain. VK Carlos and Jay look at each other remembering their first day.

"Why do you want whatever this is!" Audrey screams.

"Because you want it!" Jane's growls.

"GIRLS!" Ben yells stepping out of the car.

"BEN!" Mal yells seeing him. VK Carlos and Evie hold her back as she's about to jump into his arms. VK Ben just looks at her slightly amused.

"Well, well, well. My reputation precedes me. You are?" He says.

"I'm Princess Mal, and this is my mother Queen Maleficent." AK Mal butts in

VK Mal just looks over at Princess Mal.

"Princess? In this world I'm a prissy pink princess!" She says in shock. AK Mal just looks at her confused.

"What do you mean 'this world'?"

Maleficent finally looked up from the clipboard she was holding and noticed both girls and the other doppelgangers.

"Good heavens." She says, her voice soft and sweet. A shiver runs up all the VK'S as they've never heard that tone of voice come from Maleficent's mouth and it was terrifying.

"OK, honey. I'm going to get your freinds parents and your boyfriend and we'll all talk in the castle." Maleficent says before disappearing in a light purple smoke. VK Mal looks at AK Mal.


AK Mal smiles and nods towards Jay. VK Mal slowly gets pale.

"You've gotta be kidding me."

Ben suddenly starts shaking and growling causing everyone to jump back. Ben collapses to the ground and starts snarling and growling as his bones snap and reposition themselfs and fur starts sprouting all over his body. Within a few seconds the handsome boy was replaced with a hideous beast.

"Well that's new" Both versions of Mal say.

* * *

After Queen Maleficent managed to turn Ben back into a human, she gathered the rest of the doppelgangers and their respective parents. Queen Grimhilde looked like a completely different person without her face caked in makeup, and wearing a simple sundress and her hair cascading over her shoulders. AK Jay's hair was cut short and his clothes were worthy of a Prince. Jafar was wearing the sultans robes. The most shocking change had to be Cruella, who in this world went by Ella. She was sitting nursing a puppy Dalmatian her hair grayed and pulled back in a bun, and she was sitting in a simple shirt and pants. Not a single article of fur clothing on her. VK Mal stood near Queen Maleficent waiting to speak, but unsure how to continue. Lucky Maleficent started the conversation.

"So can anyone explain why you look like our children?"

VK Carlos steps forward.

"Its a long story but I'll try my best. You see where we come from the roles are reversed. You guys are villians and I'm assuming the Villians here would have been the heros in our world. Anyways my boyfriend's family wa-"

"Wait! Your boyfriend? Don't you mean girlfriend?" Ella says cutting him off. VK Carlos glares at her.

"No I actually mean boyfriend. As in two males in a relationship." He snaps. VK Mal places her hand on his shoulder. VK Carlos calms down and finishes the story.

"As I was saying, his family was cursed by who we call the Snow Queen-"

"Queen Elsa is in your world too! Arendelle still hasn't recovered since her attack when Princess Anna announced she was pregnant." AK Evie says.

"No. Queen Elsa is the Ice Queen in our world, her aunt is the Snow Queen. She cast a curse that took them and sent them here. I jumped in after them to try to save them. My freinds jumped to save me. Everything here is backwards when it comes to roles."

Maleficent just stares at VK Mal.

"So what your saying is in your world, we're all Villians?"

All the VK'S nod in agreement. Maleficent slowly sits down and looks up at her Mal.

"In your world. What am I like?" She says nervously, like she wants the answer but at the same time afraid of it. VK Mal clears her throat.

"Well when Princess Aurora was born you weren't invited to her christing so you cursed her; Before the Sun sets on her 16th birthday, she shall pricked her finger on the spindle of a spinning wheel and DIE! If it wasn't for Maryweather changeing the curse to an enternal slumber she would have died. Oh and also you have horns wear black and can turn into a dragon."

All the Doppelgangers just sit there in shock before Princess Mal speaks up.

"She did that because she wasn't invited to a party?"

"Ya..... shes called Mistress of Evil."

Princess Mals eyes grow wide in shock. VK Mal scratched her head.

"And when I was born she named me after her. But only gave me the first part of the name, only because I haven't proved to be as evil as her so I didn't deserve the full name yet. Oh and on top of that my middle name is Bertha."

Princess Mal bit her tounge trying not to laugh.

"For me Mal is short for Malena. And my middle name is Jeslyn." She says.

"OK I would rather have that name." VK Mal laughs, Malena joins in.

Breaking A Frozen Heart : Descendants Get Frozen Over book 2Where stories live. Discover now