Los Angeles

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Eli turns around to see that the mirror he had walked through didn't appear on this side. All he saw were people walking down the street taking pictures of the sidewalk. A girl with neon pink hair looks at him.

"Uh can you move? I want to take a picture of the star." She says he looks down to see that the star had the name Snow White written on it.

Huh, why is her name on the ground so people can walk across it?

Suddenly he hears a familiar laugh behind him, he spins around to see a blonde Mal walking with what appeared to be Harry Hook. His jaw drops when he kisses her on the head. He steps towards her and punches Harry. Not expecting the assault he drops to the ground and Mal jumps and screams.

"Thomas!!" She yells. She drops to her knees and looks up at Eli.

"Garrett? What the hell!?" She yells as the entire crowd turning and looking at them. "Why would you attack Thomas?"

"I stopped Harry from hurting you! I was there at the Cotillion!"

The blonde Mal just looked at him in confusion.

"Garrett you weren't in Deacendants 2, if that's what your referring to."


Eli turns to see Carlos standing back on the Snow White star.

"Carlos! Over here!" Carlos turns and runs over to him and hugs him.

"Please don't do that. You gave me a heart attack."

"Cameron? Why are you in a Carlos costume?...wait, did Kenny want us for a Descendants 3 promo shoot?" Blonde Mal asks. Before Carlos can say anything Mal and the rest of their group appeared behind them and the door to their left opened and Carlos, Evie, Jay and Uma walked out holding coffee cups. The blonde Mal just looked at the two groups and gasped.

"This cannot be happening."

* * *

"Wait, so Auradon is real?" Sofia asks her doppelganger.

"Yes, and it's gorgeous" Evie says.

They were all sitting at a park while the Auradon group sat across form this worlds versions of them.

"By the sound of it everything is the same. Except I'm/your no longer dating Jane." Cameron says looking at Carlos and Eli. Carlos nods and Eli moves a strand of hair out of his face. Dove looks at the kids from Auradon.

"Ok, I have one thing to ask." She asks looking at Mal.


"Do people really just burst into song?"

Everyone turns and looks at her like she had 3 heads.

"What?" Evie asks.

"Well you know we play you guys in a movie series, that also has a animated t.v. series. As well as a few books. And in the two movies we done and a few episodes we've done them as a musical."

"I'm scared yet excited to see this." Eli says looking at Carlos who's face had drained of blood. Sofia clapped excitedly.

* * *

A hour later they were all sitting in a private theater in the Disney studios. The lights dim and Carlos snuggles close to Eli as a tables shows up with Dove talking as Mal. Mal just nods as at the time it would have been something she would have said. Shortly she sees Ben's parents reaction to them coming to Auradon and laughed as it was how she had expected it to have went. But her jaw dropped when she relized she was the first one to sing in the movie. Everything that happened in the first song happened, minus the singing and dancing, they had caused a huge brawl right before her mother had appeared scarring everyone away. As they were crossing the bridge Evie leans over.

"What is that on my head? I appears in one shot and is gone the the next only to reappear?" She whispers. Mal just shrugs and they continue watching until they got to the museum and when they got to the Gallery of Villians the music had started again and she had started singing. They even had her hallucination if her mother, although Maleficint would never be caught dead singing. The words to the song however were exactly that of the speech she had given her. When they finally got to the tourney game Mal laughed and looked back the Dove.

"We might not burst out in song but Ben actually did during this game because of the love spell I put on him."

They both laughed and continue watching. When Mals song came on while they were on their first date the entire group was silent. Evie looked over at dove with a tear in her eye. Mal on the other hand had tears streaming down her face. From behind her Dove placed her hand on Mals shoulder. When they got to the coronation scene the VKs all gripped their seats knowing what was about to happen. Mals eyes started glowing as soon as the green smoke appeared and they didn't die down until the movie was finished.

"I didn't know you could sing M, or any of us to be honest." Evie says trying to lighten the mood.

"Ya, and apparently I'm a great dancer!" Carlos says.

"I already knew that, remember the end of the year ball?" Eli says whispering into Carlos ear.

"You guys ok to watch the sequal?" Sofia asks. All the vks turn around in shock.

"Are you kidding me! Throw it on!"

Author note: I changed Carlos from being gay to Bisexual due to events that occurred in DESCENDANTS 2, part 1 of this story takes place a few weeks after the events of the second movie. It has been updated in part one.


Breaking A Frozen Heart : Descendants Get Frozen Over book 2Where stories live. Discover now