To the Isle...Again

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They all walk into the school and walk to the remedial goodness class and just walk in. All of the VKs turn around to look at them.

"Ok I said I'll see you soon, did not expect you to crash our class." Efficient says. Mal smiles before looking up at the man up front.

"I'm assuming your Fairy Godmot-...Godfather?" She says. The man raises his eyebrows in confusion.

"I'm sorry I don't recall you attending this school. Who are you?" He asks.

"Long story short, we're them. Just genderswaped and from another dimension." Carlos quickly explains.

"And were trying to find a way back to our world to defeat the Snow Queen -my aunt- from  taking over Auradon." Eli throws in. The entire group in front of them just turn and look at the group standing in the door way.

"Well that kind of magic is sealed away to prevent being used by the wrong people. On the Isle" fairy Godfather says.

* * *

"So let me get this straight. We have to go to the Isle of the lost, to find the doorway to Wonderland, to be able to find the reverse rabbit hole to get to our world?" Jay asks as they drive across the bridge to the Isle.

"We're only going to the dark part of Wonderland. The part where the Red Queen lives." Mal explains.

"Lovely, but in this world isn't it a red king?"


"Lets go before anyone catches us."

"Guys wait." Eli says stepping foreword. They all turn around to look at him.

"If all the parents have switched places, you guys will know what your other parent looks like." he says. They all looked at each other in shock as they never thought of that fact.

"ok, if we don't want to know what our other parents look like we just avoid town. Right?" Carlos asks.

"I don't know. I kinda curious who my father is." Evie says.

"Guys who cares! We need to get home before the Snow Queen takes over!" Mal yells before starting over to the Isle. They all nod in agreement.

~ ~ ~

"King Ben, we have no clue where they were sent. I have used every ounce of light magic to find them." Fairy Godmother says. Ben stops pulling out books in his family library and slowly looks at her.

"As much as I hate to say this, ask Maleficent for help. I dont think she'll refuse because of what the Snow Queen did." Fairy Godmother cringed at the thought of asking Maleficent for help, but she agreed nonetheless.

~ ~ ~

"That's creepy." Eli says as they stare at the mountain side door, the door knob had a face carved into the steel.

"Welcome to the dark door. The only bit of magic in the Isle." Just as Mal reached for the door knob a car came screeching around the bend and stops a inch away from hitting Carlos. When the dust clears they see that the licence plate reads: DE VIL. Carlos holds his breath as the driver side door opens and a man with black and white hair steps out his fur coat open and a gold chain leading from his pocket to the waistband of his dress pants.

"What the hell are you doing standing in the middle of the road you useless mutts!" He yells at them. Carlos instantly recognized the man as their version of the Auradon man who traveled with the barge to make sure their were no stowaways. This was also the same man who always brought over brand new containers of hair dye for Cruella.

"We were heading to the dark forest of wonderland." Eli tells him. The man laughs.

"Well that door won't open without the key, trust me Malefico has already tried."

"Where the key?" Carlos blurts out.

"No clue, but I do know a clue. To seek the key to madness, one must seek a world of madness of different nature. I have absolutely no idea what that means." He says.

Mal looks at Evie who looks perplexed.

Accidently turning into a dragon princess was easier than that rid-

"A mirror world!" Evie blurts out.

"What?" Everyone says.

"Think about it. A world of madness of a different nature? We've been through that, and in our second version."

Every one nods in agreement while the Genderbent Cruella looks at them confused.

"We need to go back to Auradon to use the magic." Eli says.

"No need, Fairy godfather gave me this gem to put in my mirror to open a portal to the mirror world." Evie whispers to Mal as she pulls out her mirror.

"Magic mirror in my hand show us ways to mirror lands."

The glass cracks and a blue smoke bursts out and surrounds the group. When it clears they find them selfs on a circular room. The walls were lined with body length mirrors that showed a different place. Except for the one they assumed showed their Auradon. As the glass for that one had been shattered. Eli walks towards one that shows a busy city where there were stars in the pavement, Evie walks towards one where everyone she saw was dressed in magnificent dresses and suits, everything about the scene reminded her of a royal wedding" Mal walked to one where everything looked like it was destroyed and rundown, Carlos went with Eli. The Arendelle family went to a mirror that showed Auradon in the winter.

"Which Mirror leads to the key?" Eli asks.

"The clue was about madness, so I would assume the craziest looking one."

"So that would be ours, or Mals." Carlos says. As he says that Evie touches the mirror frame of her mirror and suddenly sound comes through the glass.

"Do you Snow White, take this man as you lawfully wedded husband?"

"I do."

"By the power vested in me i now pronounce you husband and wi-"

Suddenly the door to the chapel burst open and a beautiful woman dressed in black her long hair in a ponytail on the top if her head so it draped down over her shoulder was revealed behind it.

"Sorry I'm late." She says walking into the room. The crowd panic.

"Its the Queen!"


Snow white grabs the sword Prince Chaming has and points it towards the woman.

"She's no longer a Queen she's nothing but a evil witch!"

Evie gasps and takes a step back crashing into the group that had formed behind her.

"I stand corrected" Carlos says looking at this Evil Queen.

"She would put your mother to shame." Mal says causing Evie to laugh. They continue watching as Prince Chaming grabs the sword and throws it at the Queen who just disappears in a cloud of smoke.

"Is it sad I like her better?" Evie says.

Eli walks over to the mirror showing the busy city and touches the glass. Instead if his hand hitting the cool surface of glass it felt like his hand went through it. The glass almost felt like water. Without thinking he steps through the glass as if pulled by a invisible force. Carlos turned just in time to see Eli's cape pull through.

"Uh guys Eli went through the mirror."

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