The Trolls

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"Guy's I think I may have an idea to learn more about the Prophecy." Kristoff says as everyone finishes eating that night. Elsa looks over to him.


"My family, Grand Pabbie told you a prophecy when Anna got hurt when you were kids, maybe he can help with this one."

"Of course! The trolls! That sound like a good idea! I'll get horses ready! Come Alex." Anna says jumping up and running for the stables. Mal watches them run off before looking at Evie.

"I've never seen anyone so excited to see trolls."

"I know, their always so slimy and smell weird."

"Their rock trolls, they don't smell...much." Eli says

* * *

After the hour long trip they arrive in the valley of living rock. Kristoff hops off of Sven and walks towards a bunch of smooth rocks covered in moss. Carlos leans into Eli's ear.

"Quick question, where are the trolls?"

Eli laughs as Carlos sits down on one of the rocks. Kristoff walks towards the largest of the rocks and whisper something to it and patting it as if he's trying to wake someone up. Mal feels a tingling sensation in her nose. She covers her face and sneezes startling everyone.

"Bless you." Ben says. Mal smiles just as all the rock start to tremble, Carlos screams and jumps onto Eli as all the rocks start to roll towards Kristoff.

"Why didn't you tell me I was useing a troll as a chair?" Carlos asks

"Because I wanted to see your reaction when they woke up, and it was priceless." Eli laughs.

"Kristoff! Your home!" One of them yell.

"What's the matter?" The largest troll says, he's the only one who had a beard.

"Grand Pabbie, we found an ancient prophecy we wanted you to look at." Elsa hands him the book and he starts reading it over.

"I was afraid of this." He says. Everyone turns to look at each other.

"What's wrong?" Hannah says.

"The time of this prophecy has come, we have all felt it in the air." All the trolls murmur in agreement. Grand Pabbie walks over to a small pool and waves his hand over the water. The water vaporized turning into a mist. Slowly images appear in it. A boy with white hair and blue eyes stands in front of what looked to be a sparkling tornado, he raises his hands the the funnel starts condense into a flat circle. When the tornado is gone all that remains is a large mirror. Just as quickly as the images appeared they vanished. Everyone turns to Pabbie.

"What was that?" Mal asks.

"That was Jack Frost, when he created the Fractured Funnel."

"The what?!" Everyone asked simultaneously.

"The Fractured Funnel, it's one of the most powerful mirror spells. To this day it's locked inside the Mirror of Frost burried deep within the Fortress of Frost."

"OK where is this Fortress?" Elsa asks

Pabbie looks at her with sadness across his face.

"If you know about the Prophecy you know where you look."

"Frostburg" Elsa whispers. Anna steps forwards and kneels down.

"If by any chance this Funnel thingy is cast, how do we stop it?"

"That's the problem, the spell has never been cast. So it's unknown what happens during it. All that's known is: it requires the blood of its target to activate, and anyone who shares that blood will be sucked into it and sent to an alternate world where their forced to live lives different from their own or a different version of their past, it's very unclear. And since it hasn't been cast their is no known way to break the spell."

Silence fills the valley as all the trolls grow nervous, Grand Pabbie turns and looks into the fog.


A screech rips through the air as glowing blue eyes peirce the fog. Slowly more appear and grand Pabbie takes a step back.

"I only sensed one...that's impossible." He whispers. A bell like laugh echo's in the air, and the Snow Queen steps out of the trees, she wearing a tight fitting shirt that the back extends to drag on the ground. The the only thing that wasn't made out of snow and ice were the white leather tights that were almost painted on her. Her hair was pulled up into a high pony tail leaving the rest to fall behind her. The only thing that wasn't white was her makeup. Her lips were a dark blue and her bright blue eyes stood out with the dark makeup around her eyes, her skin also seemed to glitter. Everything about her screamed danger. Mal realized that ice is dangerous and beautiful, and that's what she was trying to play off. Mal looked at Elsa and Eli and saw that their skin was naturally flawless and their body's were also seemed to be carved from ice, Elsa waist was as thin as most girls desired but could never achieve, Eli's muscles were as noticeable as Gastons but not as large, his jawline looked sharp enough to cut dimond. She couldn't help but think of how hot he was. Ironic right. Mal shook her head as she leaned into Ben.

What was that all about? I'm dating Ben, and he's gay and dating Carlos.

"What's wrong Mal?" Ben asks.

"Nothing, just nervous" Evie hears this and looks over to her. The Snow Queen clears her throat getting everyone's attention again.

"Well I hate to crash this party...actually no I don't. I learned quite a bit. I mean our ancestor created a curse that know one knows how to break? Impressive. Now I just need to find this mirror and activate it. Which means I need your blood. But since we're family I can't curse my self trying to destroy you." She says walking up to Elsa. Elsa clinches her fists as they frost over. The Snow Queen raises her hand and pushes a strand of hair off Elsa's cheak. Elsa flinches and the Snow Queen turns away pulling a small glass jar out of her pocket. On her long pointed nail a drop of blood slowly runs towards her finger. She puts the blood in the jar and walks back to the Elfs.

"Well I got what I came for." She laughs as she walks away.

"What is that for?" Mal asks. The Snow Queen turns around smiling.

"That's for you to find out." She says before disappearing in a poof of snow and fog.

"We. Need. To. Find. That. Mirror!" Anna says.

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