Through the Looking Glass

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Mal stood in front of the mirror.

"OK it should be a simple spell to activate the portal." She said. Eli walks up beside her.

"Need help?" He asks.

"I don't know how much help you could be. This is dark magic, you have ice magic."

"But my aunt used dark magic as well as ice to create this. So if we both cast the spell it might open."

Mal just stood there in shock, she never even considered that the Snow Queen used Black Ice magic.

Evie looks at her doppelganger and smiles.

"If only Ali was here. She would know how to go through a looking glass." VK Evie says.

"Ali? As in daughter of Alice Kingsley?" AK Evie asks.

"That's the one." VK Evie says before both of them laugh.

Eli reaches up and touches the glass. As soon as his finger touches the glass it cracks getting the attention of everyone in the room.

"What happened!" Mal shouts.

"I don't know if just touched it." Eli says backing away from it. As he does the cracks start to glow and the frame starts spinning counter clockwise while the glass spins clockwise. Mal just stares at it as is gains speed and shatters into a vortex. All of the VKS and the Arendelle Family walks towards it.

"Is it safe?" Carlos asks.

"Only one way to find out" Anna says before walking into the portal. Everyone follows her leaving Mal for last. She turns and looks at Malena.

"Good luck." Malena says.

"You too." Mal says before walking into the portal. As soon as she does the portal disappears along with any trace of the mirror, the only thing left is a small silver ball. Malena dosent notice it as she walks forwards to where the portal was. She dosent see it until she steps on it and breaks it. When she looks down she sees a silver puddle of liquid that is quickly spreading turning everything it touches into a reflective surface.

* * *

Mal walks out of the portal to see their standing in front of Auradon Prep.

"We're home!" Evie squeals looking around and seeing Auradon in its normal glamor. Carlos just looks around nervously.

"I don't know. Something seems off." He says.

"What do you mean?"

"Everything looks normal except for something I can't put a finger on."

The school bell rings and students flood out into the courtyard. The entire group looks at all the students walking around.

"Who are these people? Did we get a bunch of new student while we were gone?" Jay asks.

Just then a girl with dirty blonde hair walks out of the school wearing blue and yellow, holding onto the arm of a boy with purple hair and a purple/green/black leather jacket. A boy with blue and black hair wearing a leather blue jacket walks up to the two and starts talking to them.

"Who are they? And why is HE stealing my style?" Evie asks looking at the boy in blue. Mals eyes grow wide as the realization sinks in.

"That's because their us."

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