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2 hours after wedding

"YOU HAVE ANOTHER DAUGHTER!!" Elsa yells. Hans puts his hands up in defense.

"I had no idea! I didn't even know she had magic! Let alone she was related to you!"

"Then how did you meet her?"

"Shortly after you blasted me into a cart of horse dung-"

"That wasn't intentional, and I was sick and my magic went wonky." Elsa defended herself

"As I was saying, after that I had to run errands into the village and I had ran into her...."

* * *

16 years ago

Hans looked at the list his brothers had given him. Franz wanted the local seamstress to make his new wife Malaika a new gown for their honeymoon, Runo asked Hans to deliver a letter to a freind in a underground bar. Runo was very specific as to not read the message. Hans looked at the folded paper in curiosity, looking around he looked to see if anyone was looking. When he was sure he wasn't being watched he opened the letter.

Dear Galatasaray,

I'm afraid that my father may have discovered about us. I don't wish to ruin what we have, I love you with all my heart. My wife must never learn of this. Meet me tonight at the Diamond Caves, I'll have a-

Hans crashed into something and the letter flew out of his hand.

"I'm so sorry!" A woman cried. Hans picked up the letter and looked at the woman in front of him. She had long platinum blond hair (the type he had seen on only one other person), a white dress, and her checks were a bit red from embarrassment and the cold air.

"No I should have been looking where I was going" Hans says

"No really it's my fault. I did after all run into the Prince of the Southern Isles." She said.

"I'm no longer a prince." He says sadly, she frowns.

"I'm sorry, I had no idea. I'm just visiting from the western mountains."

Hans looks up at her in surprise.

"Your from the mountains? The western mountains are the most dangerous. With all the blizzards and avalanches"

She laughs. It was almost like hearing a bell chime.

"Those are the barrier mountains, in the center their is a valley which is home to my village. Our Queen lives up in a castle on the north mountain." Hans gasps.

"You mean Queen Elsa's mountain?"


"The Queen of Arendelle."

"Oh! No Arendelle is to the east of us. Our Queen is named Sarasota Frost. Although we nicknamed her The Snow Queen."

"Why is that?"

"Because her Castle is made from ice. It's been there for century's ever since our kingdom was ruled by Jack Frost. It's said that her family the oldest in the next generation, receives the power to control ice and snow."

The oldest in the next generation gets ice magic? Could Queen Elsa be related to this Snow Queen.

"Are you sure your not talking about Queen Elsa? She's the oldest daughter of Arendelle and she's known as the Ice Queen. Because she has ice magic."

The woman in front of him looks shocked to hear this news. She then smiles and leans in to him.

"So what's a handsome NON prince relative of the royal family doing here in town?"

"I was running errands for my brothers. But it appears I have lost the letter I was supposed to deliver."

"Well that's too bad, I guess now you have a bit of time to kill now right?"

Hans gulps, now that he's been talking to this woman he notices how her hair seems to glitter in the sunlight, and her eyes are a striking deep blue.

"Uh Ya I guess so...." He mutters.

"I have a room at the Inn of you want to come by." She says leaning in close.

"Yes I do" Hans says without even thinking.

~ ~ ~

9 months later

Hans is boarding the ship to be sent to The Isle of the Lost. His trial had been redone and he was found guilty of Villianry and was sentenced to life on the Isle.

"Wait!!" A woman shouts cry throughout the peir. The crowd parts as a woman with white hair walks up to the ship. In her arms was a small baby

"You never told me you were a Villian!" She screamed. Hans just looks at her.

"That's because you never asked."

"I cannot belive you. I waited 9 months for nothing."

"What are you talking about peasant."

"In my arms is your child. I was going to suprise you with her. When I had gone home I learned I was pregnant. It took me 9 months to get the money to get back here. I have thought of no one but you...but I want nothing to do with you now. Or your child." She says shoving the child into a guards arms. The guard brings the baby girl up and gives her to Hans. He looks down at the beautiful girl in his arms.

She never told me your name, unless you don't have a name. So in that case I'll call you Hannah.

~ ~ ~

Elsa just stands there is shock. Before walking over to get a book off of a high shelf. She opens it up to the first page.

"These are all the rulers of Arendelle." She says. The first page showed a young man sitting on the throne. On the other side of the page the name Jack Frost was written across the top.

"Jack was the first known person with ice magic. That's why he was made king, the people of the village saw him as a god and wanted him to protect them. The power went to his head at a young age and he became a dictator and forced the people of Frostburg to build a brand new Castle. The castle of Arendelle. He had two children one of whom possessed his gift of winter. Her name was Arendella and her brother sided with their father while she refused to use her gifts for evil. They banished him to Frostburg never to leave again. Him and his son remained there while Arendella ruled Arendelle." Elsa explains.

"Wait let me get this straight: Arendelle is named after Jack Frosts Daughter Arendella?"

"Yes, theirs something else though."

Hans get nervous at the tone of her voice.

"What is it?"

"The prophecy."

Breaking A Frozen Heart : Descendants Get Frozen Over book 2Where stories live. Discover now