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Hannah sat in her room in shock, bitting at her fingernails when Evie and Eli walked in.

"Ahh! Don't bite your nails!!" Evie screeched, Hannah jumps a foot into the air.

"Evie! Don't sneak up on me!"

Eli laughs for a second before clearing his throat.

"Everyone is wanted in the library." He says.

* * *

Elsa looked across the table at everyone standing there. Eli, Hannah and Evie walk in.

"OK now that everyone's is here I can start." She says.

"Mom what's wrong?" Eli asks.

"Something that only the King/Queen of Arendelle knew that was forbidden to be spoken about until the time came."

Ben looked worried. Everyone looked at each other in fear. Elsa opened a book to the middle and turned it around.

"This is the prophecy of Winterstorm."

"The what of what?" Anna asks.

"As I was saying. I have a feeling that the prophecy of Winterstorm is about to happen."

"Why is that? What is that?" Mal asks.

Elsa looks down at the book and turns it back around to read it.

"As soon as winter turns to summer, a child of Frost clad in ice shall cause the return of lives of past and the downfall of an empire. As soon as ice rains from the sky, a victory shall bring an age of death. It shall be then, when the world becomes fractured our true selfs emerge. " She reads. When finished she looks up at everyone in the room. Fairy Godmother looked at Elsa.

"I've been around for a long time, I've seen the creations of every prophecy and spell. But this is the first I've heard of this, this prophecy is older than I am, and it's real as I felt the magic flowing out of the words spoken."

Mal looked around.

"So what do we do?"

Evie steps forwards and took the book.

"First we should make sense of what it says. A child of Frost. I'm assuming it means someone with ice magic." She says.

* * *

Or a descendent of Jack Frost him self. The snow Queen thought to herself. She turns away from her mirror and walks out into the great Hall of her Castle. She looks down at the army of Snowlings she had created.

"Soon Arendelle will belong to the proper Queen."

* * *

"OK so we know of 3 people with Ice Magic: Elsa, this Snow Queen, and Eli." Ben says looking at the book.

"Wait! What about my twin? Would she have ice magic?" Hannah asks. Mal looked at her in curiosity. She walks over to Hannah and glared into her eyes. Mals eyes turn a bright green while Hannah's turn white and start glowing. They stay that way until the potted plant beside Hannah bursts into flame, and they both jump back and look at it. Elsa quickly shoots a blast of cold air to put out the flames. The entire library goes silent.

"Ok, what just happened!" Alex exclaims as the plant starts to burn again seemingly unfazed by the blast of ice.

* * *

The Snow Queen gasps and dropped to her knees. Sara rushes up to her.

"Mom! What happened?"

"Help me to my mirror." She says

They limp into the mirror room.

"Show me Hannah!" The Snow Queen yells. The glass frosts over and shows Hannah with glowing white eyes and a plant bursting into flames.

"Incredible, a child of Fire and Ice." She whispers.

* * *

Mal turns back to Hannah.

"That wasn't me, if it was the flames would have been green at first."
Hannah slowly reaches out and puts her hand in the flame and the fire crawls along her arm. Every one gasps as Hannah appears unharmed. She laughs and twists her hand and the flames jump off her skin into a ball in her hand. She tosses the ball back and forth. She then takes the flame and moulds it into the shape of a sword and swings it around causing everyone to jump back.

"Hey watch it!" Jay shouts.

Hannah looks over at Jay as the flame burns out.

"Sorry, I kinda got distracted." She says.

Breaking A Frozen Heart : Descendants Get Frozen Over book 2Where stories live. Discover now