The beggining of the apocalypse

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   Sky's POV

    I was in Mr.Hanna's U.S history class,  trying to think of a way to get out of class when the door began to slowly open. A man whose skin was rotting with puss oozing out of his wounds,  and ripped clothes were drenched in blood walked into the room. The blood on the man's pale grey skin stood out like a candle in a dark room, the man's eyes were yellow with red rings around the pupils,  the red rings were the color of fresh blood.
    The man look at all of us with ravenous glare in his eyes, I felt like he thought we were his food, a piece of meat he can sink his teeth into. He began to limp towards Mr.Hanna, the class just sat there and stared at them not daring to move a muscle. All Mr.Hanna said was Sir, are you okay? The man replied with a deep groan, then he opened hid mouth that was filled with his bloody puss filled gums, rotting teeth,  and some sort of meat that was stuck in between his teeth,  then he bit down onto Mr.Hanna's shoulder.  Blood splattered the class from his shoulder wound,  I looked over at Chrissy,  Summerray and Stevie , we all had the Same idea. Run.
     I scrambled out of my chair and ran out of the class room, I looked out into the hallway to a horrific sight. Men and women that looked similar to the man in Mr.Hanna's class were attacking much friends. Their screams brought tears to my eyes but now isn't the time to cry, I have to find my uneaten friends. I then felt something tap my shoulder, I turned around and saw Summerray,  Stevie, and Chrissy all saying/ yelling come on we have to go! Before we started to run I looked over my shoulder and saw Jace ,  Jc,  and Chase run into the stair well. 
    I decided to follow them, I motioned for my friends to follow. I ran as fast as I could determined to follow them. I had the urge to look back but I told myself no because if I look back I won't keep running I will turn around to help. I opened the stairwell door and ran down the stairs, I was then pinned up against the wall. I saw Chase standing in front of me and I felt something sharp against my neck. Chase then said "have you been bitten?" I'm human you idiot , let me go! I yelled.
     Chrissy then yelled get off of her you idiot she is human can't you see! Chase then let me go and I slapped him on the side of the head yelling if I was a zombie I would kill myself!  Jc and Have then emerged from under the stairs. Summerray ran over to Jc and gave him a big hug and kiss,  Jace ran over and picked up Chrissy then gave her a kiss.  Stevie,  Chase, and I just stood their in an awkward silence,  occasionally hearing a mumble or two from Summerray and Jc.  Eventually after like ten minutes Stevie yelled "guys stop sucking face so we can survive and find shelter "!
     Summerray and Jc let out a sigh and said fine,  we can find a way better place to "make out" anyway.  Chrissy and Jace stopped kissing but Jace whispered something in Chrissy's ear that I'm guessing was perverted by the way her face turned the color of a ripe tomato.  We all walked threw the double doors into the old kindergarten hallway.  Chase and I were at the front of the group,  every breath we made could be heard,  my heart beat was spiraling off the charts so I felt like it was going to pop out of my chest.  I then heard low grumbling from around the corner.  We all stopped and looked at each other, our eyes all filled with worry for each other and for ourselves. 
      To me Chase's eyes were filled with the most worry, his hazel eyes glimmered which made me nervous with butterflies. No! I can't have a crush on Chase he is one of my best friends I thought to myself.  I looked away making sure he couldn't see my face, I looked up when Summerray screamed.  Seven zombies started walking towards us. We were trapped,  if we went inside one of the classrooms we would only have less room to fight and more zombies would come. Jc pushed Summerray behind him and said " baby if I die just know that I will always live you threw death and back". I thought to myself,  what can I use for a weapon?  The only things I had on me were my phone, phone charger,  house keys, and a pen. 
     The zombies were getting closer,  I looked at my friends for a moment and thought to myself "friends till the end, even if the end is coming soon I will always have the memories we shared ". I then looked at Chase,  the only guy who was there for me during the worst of times, the guy who could make me laugh when I wanted to cry, the guy that knew me so well I could trust him with anything,  the guy who I am telling myself not to like in fear of losing him. I turned around facing the zombies that are once people I knew, I walked over to one of the zombies standing face to face with it,  a tear slid down my face as I stabbed it in the eye with my pen.
     Blood splattered my face, neck, and chest,  I turned around to look at my friends who were fighting the zombies.  I saw Chase taking on two zombies at once,  the idiot is going to get himself killed if I don't go help him, I walked towards him so I can help him out. As soon as I took my first step I was pulled down,  I couldn't see who or what grabbed me but I kicked and punched as if my life depended on it, which it probably did. As my eyes looked to see if my friends were unharmed me and Chase looked at each other, a tear slid down my face because I never got to tell him how I feel. I couldn't breathe,  as I struggled for air my world began to fade into darkness and after the minute that felt like an hour I subdued into unconscious ness.

So what do you guys think? Good for the first chapter/ part? Don't worry Sky didn't die there is more to come :)


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