A New Friend

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Summerray, Stevie, Madeline (Maddy) whom I've just met,and I walked into the girls locker room while Brandon and Chase headed towards the boys. As soon as we walked into the locker room and I caught sight of a silver shower head I ran as fast as I could towards a shower. Quickly I turned the water on to a steaming temperature, stripped off my clothes,then got into the shower to enjoy the boiling water.

It made my skin boil under the heat but it felt heavenly, also there were all the required toiletries available in the locker room so it was perfect. I massaged a massive glob of shampoo threw my hair and holy Australia this is amazing!  Summerray then said in a cocky tone "so Sky what's up with you and Chase? You two seem closer then usual" with a wink at the end.

What do I say?! Okay Sky calm your tits it's just your friends. "Umm" I said worry in my tone "we're dating" I finished. Summerray's face then lit up like a firework on the forth of July. "Finally!" Maddy yelled threw the soapy bubbles on her head."Wait No offense but how do you know so much Maddy? I mean we just met and all" I said to Maddy, curiosity filling my every word.

"Okay ladies story time" Maddy said in a sing song voice. "As we all know I was a quiet nerd with close to No friends" Maddy started "but I noticed everything, Sky you and Chase were inseparable and it astonished me that you two weren't dating. I remember when Wendy Locke broke Chase's heart and you punched Wendy right in the nose, causing it to break. Ever Since that day Chase has always looked at You with love in his eyes and he's always been over protective over you."

"Woah,I've never noticed that before" I said in a sad tone. "Didn't you ever notice that any guy that ever asked you out had a black eye the next day?" Maddy said while giggling. "I guess I never did" I said.

I then put half a bottle of conditioner into my hair,making it as soft as silk. "Wait Sky!" Stevie yelled "what?" I asked "did you and Chase you know do the deed?" Stevie said while wiggling her eye brows. "Stevie!" I yelled "No we did not do the deed and we won't be doing the deed any time soon!"

Everyone then began to laugh except me,I then finished washing the conditioner out of my hair,shaved my legs,and finally washed the rest of my body. Then lastly I got out of the hot shower.

I wrapped a towel around my body so it covered my private parts,then went over to my gym locker. Now what is my locker combination? Oh yeah 5,23,3,30,4. I then unlocked my locker and grabbed everything I had stashed in there. In my locker was a pair of high waisted dark denim jeans, a white tank top, a cream colored sweater, a bra & undies, and some lady things.

Quickly I put on the clean clothes,put my combat boots back on, and finally sprayed on some vanilla scented perfume. Summerray probably has a hair brush stashed in her locker I thought.  With that I went over to Summerray's locker, kicked it open,and grabbed the hairbrush. I brushed my wet red hair then fishtail braided it.

Once I finished braiding my hair,which has gotten super long, I checked over myself in the mirror one more time. For the first time in this dreaded apocalypse I actually look somewhat decent.

Since I was finished I exited the girls locker room and went into the gym. Chase and Brandon were already done with their showers and such but they were talking to someone that wasn't apart of our group. I ran over to Chase, pulled out my knife and said "who are you?" To the stranger.

"I'm Jake, I am not going to hurt any of you I promise" the stranger spoke. Jake smiled sympathetically are me, I politely put away my knife, I don't trust him but for now I'll be nice. "I'm Sky" I said. Summerray, Stevie, and Maddy then entered the fun with washed hair and new clothes. But they had worried facial expressions. Oh Australia if this boy screws us over I will loose my freaking mind.


Hii my little biters! Oh I've missed all you guts and gals!  *hugs you all* I hope you all enjoyed this chapter I'm sorry I haven't been updating much I've been busy with school and my friend Kyla and I have been writing a book together on here called 'Running from the Daylight' by 'lukeslittleidiot' you all can check it out if you're interested. Tell me what you all think in the comments below (: much love xo -Evie.

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