A Traitor has come to Join Us

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Chase's POV

Ooohhh freak what am I going to do? Either I beat up Sky and save Chrissy or I get turned into a woman by Sky because I didn't fight her. I can't beat up Sky though she's fragile, well not really but girls aren't supposed to be hit by guys. Well I guess I don't really have a choice, so I will 'fight' Sky, I know for a fact she can take a punch so I will let her win if it has to come to that.

Wait maybe I can wrestle her! That will work! So I said 'how about we wrestle instead of punches? so it us fair on Sky', DJ and Ed discussed this for a minute or two but before they gave me an answer Sky snapped 'excuse me but I am a tough girl I can handle myself against you Chase I mean I took down DJ didn't I?'

Gawd Sky and her big mouth! 'Well then Chase I guess we won't allow wrestling then because she all for punching and kicking ' Ed said with a smirk. Jerk off, I'd like to see him fight her. Oohh that would be fun I'd have to have popcorn for that.

I then realized that I was still holding Sky back, even though she wasn't struggling anymore I could tell she had a plan. Oh no not another plan. Reluctantly I released Sky and we went off into our corners of the room. JC began to count down and the second he hit one Sky tackled me to the ground the the defensive line in football does to the opposing team, jeez she really is ticked off.

A stinging sensation then was brought upon my jaw, she punched me! Skylar Mayflower punched me! Well you know what Sky it's time to turn the tables.

I then rolled over and pinned Sky to the tile, her face turned tomato red in frustration, I stuck me tongue out at her and she snapped 'Stick that tongue out at me again and I'll bite it off.' Nope. Not sticking my tongue out again because she us serious. But u did say back 'is that a threat or a promise Skylar?'

'Both' Sky sang 'oh and don't call me by my full name I might just have to push you' Sky said as she pushed me off of her and kicked me in the gut. Holy freaking God for the love of football why me?!

Sky's face basically screamed ha ha I kicked your butt. I then stood up and laughed until I heard a smack. Sky and I both whipped out heads towards the noise to see that Ed slapped Chrissy in the face. Hard. I saw that Sky was seconds away from charging over there and ripping Ed's head off with her bare hands while yelling 'off with his head' so I did the most idiotic thing to ever do.

I tackled a angry Sky to the ground.

Sky yelled 'Ed I'll kill you! I will rip your bloody head off if it is the last thing I do! You will rot in something worse than the devils cave for this u swear on my grave to it!'

Ed looked over at us and said with a smile 'I have made my decision, Chase you are welcome to join us but your little feisty friend will have to go and by go I mean we kill her.' Excuse me. 'No' I snapped at Ed, 'Never again will I betray Sky, I will never forgive myself if I did this so if your going to kill her your going to have to kill me too.'

DJ and Ed started laughing. 'You fool' DJ said 'can you not see that this girl is nothing now, the only thing she fights well at is snapping back stupid witty comments.' Sky then stood up and said 'can only fight with stupid witty comments huh? well I distinctly remember kicking your butt a few minutes ago to the point where I could've killed you if I wanted to.'

'Okay Princess you and Chase will die together then' Ed said as DJ and JC tied us to the chairs. 'Princess huh? Well then I guess you will have to be the evil villain Ed, I think Scar from the lion king would suit you nicely' Sky laughed out. Ed then stepped up to Sky and put his hand on her face squishing her cheeks while whispering 'I write my own stories princess I suggest you find another nickname.'

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