The Revealing

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Sky's POV

    Chase and I just looked at each other during the awkward silence. We then began to tear apart the art room,  searching for anything we could use as weapons. We found three rulers which we broke in half to make six,  eighteen chair legs,  ten pens,  and five pairs of scissors and that was just the art room. Summerray and Stevie left to go search for lunch boxes or any sort of food while Jace and Chrissy went to go see if there are any water bottles left out or if we could tear apart the water fountains in order to get water. Chase and I walked to the lunch room in silence,  we were still a little spooked from the battle with the other group, it was weird now. We were always friends but since the apocalypse has started I feel like we have all grown apart. I could hear every footstep, breathe,  and noise we made and it was driving me insane. As we entered the lunch room I took a deep breath but then felt the urge to throw up because of the revolting smell.

   It smelled of rotten food and flesh. Not raw flesh, rotten meat,  the smell of death.  I felt the urge to throw up but I had nothing that I could. We kept walking threw the cafeteria silently until we walked into the kitchen. Two lunch ladies or their carcasses lay on the floor,  barely any meat left on them. Clearly the brains were eaten because they didn't cone back and their sculls were cracked and broken. Maggots, worms, roaches swarmed the bones picking off little pieces of flesh. The clothes looked as if they went threw a paper shredder,  my guts felt as if they were smashing against one another trying to forget this awful scene.

    Chase then said Sky are you okay? I'm fine I said,  I just feel sick. Were you bitten? Does it look like I was bitten Chase?!  Chase looked hurt, I felt terrible,  why did I say that?! Sorry Chase,  I wasn't bitten I just can't remember the last time I have eaten anything. As I began to walk away from the scene my knee's started to shake and wobble,  I fell to the ground,  the world got blurry and as I tried to get you by legs refused to move. Darkness began to make my vision fade, it engulfed me like fire did to oxygen. I was then trapped in the darkness unable to get out.

Chase's POV

   Crap!  Sky is unconscious and zombies will be coming at any minute!  I need to get us out of here. But how? The teachers lounge should be safe,  hopefully, I can't let her die though she is like a little sister. Innocent and shy and totally unprepared for the real world or whatever this world has come to. I then heard low grumbling coming from down the hallway into the cafeteria. I need to get out of here,now.

   I picked Sky up bridal style and started to run towards the exit, I ran threw the double doors with Sky in my arms, I never realized how skinny she was, she was almost all bones. I guess she wasn't lying about not remembering the last time she ate. I then noticed a zombie that looked like our old math teacher Mr.Calalon.  He looked horrible even for a zombie, legs ripped out of their sockets, one ear missing,  bloody scabs,  oozy skin filled with puss,  and dark maroon colored eyes.  I ran around Mr.Calalon into a tiny yellow hallway that only had one door. The teachers lounge.

   I swung the hard dark brown wooden door open and stepped inside the teachers lounge slamming the door shut. I saw a light blue couch so I set Sky down on it so she won't be on the tile floor. I grabbed one of the wheely chairs and placed it under the door handle like people do in the movies so nobody could get in. I then saw a vending machine and got some pretty crazy thoughts. I smiled and grabbed a chair leg, I then smashed the glass as hard as I could,  as the glass shattered onto the ground my smile grew. I then filled my jacket pockets with lays, Doritos, Twinkies ,  and M&Ms.

    I then heard banging and clawing coming from the other side of the door, crap,  zombies will surely be outside the door. Were trapped. I then heard a soft voice say Chase what happened in a worried tone. I knew it was Sky so I walked over to her,  sat down next to her,  and handed her a bag of Doritos. She whispered thanks before she started to eat.

    I searched the room for anything we could use as weapons. The vending machine was useless but maybe the desk will have something use full. I opened the first drawer of the three,  and inside i saw paper,  a box of paper clips,  and a box of staples. Useless items I thought to myself with disgust. I opened the second drawer hoping it will be promising, I opened the drawer and saw a staple gun. Hmm maybe those staples will be of use after all I thought to myself. There was nothing else in the second drawer sadly but I looked over at Sky,  she was looking under the couch for supplies,  I looked back but a second later Sky squealed really loud "water"!


   Thank the lord water ! I think I yelled that so loud Chase lost an ear drum or two or even some brain cells, haha no he has to have a brain to lose brain cells. Chase then said jeez what happened to the quiet shy Sky I used to know with a laugh. I grinned and said " the Sky you know only existed at school,  the loud Sky is the real me", I sighed and grabbed one of the water bottles.

     I could feel Chase looking at me, I turned around and snapped "don't look at me like that,  not everyone can be as confident to be them selves as you can"! I then hid my face because now I was crying,  wet hot tears slid down my cheeks and a lump in my throat has formed. I felt a hand on my shoulder,  Chase then said "why can't you be yourself at school "? I barely managed to say "because I'm afraid people won't like the real me, people can be judgmental Chase and I would rather hide the real me than be judged by someone who barely knows me".

   Chase said Well if it makes you feel better I like the real you a lot better then the school you,  I smiled and said now your just trying to make me smile you jerk. Well what else am I supposed to do when my red head is sad?  I lightly punched him in the arm and handed him a water bottle. I wanted to take more water bottles but I only have a muscle T-shirt and black jeans on,  no jacket sadly. I stood up and said "we never looked in the third drawer just so you know".

    Chase opened the third drawer and pulled out an axe. I yelled what the freak is that doing in a freaking school?!  Chase laughed as hard as he possibly could and said I don't really know but who cares, it's a zombie apocalypse and we need weapons! I giggled then reached for the broken ruler I had clinged onto my belt. We walked over to the door and removed the chair from under the door handle,  we opened the door and began to attack the zombies. Right off the bat blood began to spill, drop by drop,  but it want human blood that was spilling.  About an hour late we were down to two zombies, I recognized both of them, it was Kat and Jesse. Late had pale grey skin that made the dark red blood stand out like a camp fire at midnight,  half of the skin on the lower left hard side of her face was torn to shreds so loose and stringy that pieces of her flesh were dangling as blood dripped onto the floor. Jesse was possibly the most disgusting zombie I have ever seen, his shirt was torn open with Lethe chunks of meat missing from his ribs, internal organs clearly exposed,  and skin a very pale grey that was almost paper white. Blood drenched the floor,  the smell of blood made me want to vomit all over the place. I looked over at Chase and said "after this I'm taking a long fricken nap", he smiled showing all his teeth and said Same here sister,  the others will have to be on watch I guess.

   We turned to face the two zombies that were limping towards us. I gripped the only weapon I had left,  the chair leg, I don't know why but I feel like the apocalypse has changed me, changed all of us in a way. The zombie ran at me with as much speed as it could go, I used the chair left to stab the zombies rib cage. As my weapon hit the bones I heard a cracking noise, like the sound when you drop glass on the floor as it shaders. I swung the chair leg at the zombies neck,  the crunch of bones was music to my ears,  I smiled then kept hitting the zombie with the chair leg. Dark , thick, hot blood splattered the walls, floors, and my body. The zombie was now officially dead I told myself,  I stood up and looked over at Chase,  the zombie he fought is dead as Well.

    We started walking back to the room,  when we arrived eyes the room and dashed for the Bean bags,  I layed down and made myself comfy but I was freezing. My skin was covered in goose bumps from the cold, Chase then handed me his navy blue abercrombie & fitch jacket. I said you don't have to give me this you know? He answered with yeah I know that but no girl should be cold and I don't need it, I'm a man I can take it. I laughed really loud and said what part of you could possibly be a man in any way? Well would you like to see he said. Noooo!  I shielded by eyes just in case but he said good now be quiet and go to sleep I'm going to barricade the door. Okay I said then I closed my eyes and drifted off into sleep.

Hi guys! Sorry it took me so long to update I was busy with school work and etc. What do you guys think? Do you think Sky cares for Chase? Does Chase have feelings for Sky? Comment below my little bitters love ya guys - Eve

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