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Sky's POV

Chase, Brandon, Jake, Summerrray,Stevie,Maddy,and I are all walking threw the empty hallway that used to be a place for social gatherings back before the apocalypse started. We must make it to the cafeteria, all of our supplies are gone. Food, water, weapons. Hopefully the cafeteria will have those,mostly the water part though, you can only survive two days without water or else you will die from dehydration. Silently we crept threw the hallway, not darling to make any noise in fear that a zombie or one of Ed's group members may hear us. I could then see the cafeteria doors, it was about fifteen feet away but there was one problem, there was a massive horde of zombies lurking outside of them.

“Guess we have to fight for our things guys” I said with a small giggle. Back at the gym we had discovered a stash of titanium baseball bats hidden in the supply closet and we broke off the pipes running for the showers. Completely idiotic on our part, no more showers, but it can help save one of our lives. I had put the pipe I had broken off in my back pocket while I held my baseball bat in my hands, ready to swing if necessary. We all then began to move towards the huge horde of zombies, our weapons held in an iron grip. The zombies then caught our scent and the battle began.

Two zombies ran at me simultaneously, one of them having scratch marks dragging from the forehead to the lower right collar bone whereas the other zombie had its left arm torn out of its socket, stringy flesh hanging off of it. Oddly enough it reminded me of Ed, which only made me want to make the zombies brain become soup even more. Lucky for me the first zombie was faster then the second, by a second, but every millisecond counts now. I aimed then swung my bat, the bat hit the zombie's mid forehead. Bulls-eye!

It flew to the ground, still living but I'll take care of him later. My eyes and mind had spaced out while staring at the zombie until I heard Chase yell “Sky watch out!” Quickly I spun around to see a face of rotting flesh and blood inches away from my face. Yikes! Without aiming I swung the bat at the zombie, it went straight threw the zombies liver. On instinct I kicked the zombie off of my bat then took my bat and repeatedly stabbed it in the brain. Blood splattered onto me but once I was done the zombies body looked how I want Ed's. Bloody and soup like.

Wait the first zombie was still living! I thought,well for now it is. Carefully I walked over to the zombie, raised my bat and stabbed the zombie right threw its brain stem, killing it instantly.

Black, thick, and sticky blood flew all over my body. Already I can feel it sliding down my shirt, a absolutely disgusting feeling. But hold on a second, are all the zombies dead? I looked up and quickly scanned the area, sure enough all the zombies were dead, none of my friends being harmed whatsoever. “Well guys” Maddy said “let's go get some supplies.”

We all then entered the cafeteria, instantly the smell of rotting flesh hit my nose. It burned my nostrils, get this smell out of my nose! Get it out! Luckily there were no living zombies, just their lifeless corpses. Five corpses in total, everyone but Stevie and Summerray grabbed a corpse and dragged it out into the hall. My corpse's skin was like a sponge, when I grabbed it my fingers sank into it, leaving a mark like memory foam. When I entered the cafeteria once again I saw that there was one more corpse left, where did this one come from? I could have sworn that there were only five, I gave Stevie a confused look and she said “we found a living one and killed it while you all were dragging the bodies out of the cafeteria”

That explained a lot, I then picked up the small zombie's body. It's skin being moist, kind of like a wet sponge. The black blood stained my hands, which sent a tingle of nausea down my spine. Summerray held the door open for me, I dug my fingers deeper into the corpses flesh, walked a tad bit faster, then finally hurtled the corpse into the hallway.

Hesitantly I looked down at my hands to see a horrific sight. It looked as if I had dipped my hands into a bowl of tar then proceed to add chunks of meat to the mix. The sight made me want to vomit, quickly I dashed to the bathroom, I tripped on the tile floors that were covered in black blood. When I finally reached the bathroom door I pushed on it with all my might, the door bursted open and I poured what seemed like a gallon of soap onto my hands. I scrubbed every inch of my hands until there was no black sludge left, I swear I could have scrubbed off a freckle with as much soap I used.

Finally that epidemic was over now I should be heading back to my friends. I exited the bathroom and began to walk back to the cafeteria when I felt someone pick me up, with that I screeched as loud as I possibly could, probably breaking a few eardrums. “Skylar Rose calm down it's just me” Chase then said, he did not just use my full name. “Well excuse me Chandler Chase Ross it was just my instinct to scream when I am being lifted by a stranger!” I yelled. I hate my full name and he knows that. “Skylar Rose Mayflower stop it now” Chase then said while giving me a stern look. I gave him a mean glare then said “No I will not Chandler Ross because you know for a fact that I hate my full name yet you used it anyway.”

“Never ever ewe my full name again Chase” I growled. I then spun around and began to walk towards the cafeteria once more. I then heard Chase say “I love you”, that made butterflies explode and my heart swoon. “I love you more Chase” I said while blowing him a kiss. “Hey break it up you two!” Summerray then yelled, she's a second too late on that. Jake and Brandon then high fived Chase, ugh boys, then we began to look for our supplies.

We all look separate sections of the cafeteria to search, I took the back room. Once I entered the back room I immediately saw a refrigerator even though I highly doubt that the electricity was still going, you'd figure that a fuse would have blown or something. With my bet when I open the door the refrigerator will smell worse then death itself. I took hold of the steel handle and pulled open the refrigerator, unexpectedly I was greeted by a sensation of cold air. There has to be a generator down in the schools boiling room, that is my guess anyway.

“God this cool air feels amazing” I said,especially since we haven't had air conditioning for weeks. The fridge was huge as well, big enough to walk threw actually. I happily walked threw the fridge until I came upon stacks of cheese, cold chocolate milk, and a few packages of deli meat. I must tell the others! “Brandon, Chase, Jake, Summerray, Maddy, Stevie get in here!” I shouted.

All of their eyes grew to the size of bowling balls when they saw all the food. Each one of us took a arm full of goods then headed out of the fridge to spread them out on the tables. Once I left the fridge I immediately missed it, it was like my best friend. We all set the food out on the tables and began to distribute it among us all. I had seven slices of turkey, two glasses of chocolate milk, and about what felt like a pound of cheddar cheese.

Every last crumb of food was gone in twenty seven minutes exact, honestly that was the best meal I've had in months. Now there is only one thing left to do: find Chrissy and kill Ed.

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