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Summerrays POV

  As Stevie and I walked down the hallway I felt as if we were being watched. I turned around and saw a whispe of dark brown hair run into a room. I said to Stevie someone is following us. Stevie and I turned around and walked towards the room the girl ran into. We knew it was a girl because the hair was really long and guys typically don't have really long hair. We opened the door and Stevie said "listen up girly we have a group and you are clearly alone so come on let's go".

Maddys POV.

    As I looked over at the two blonde girls I felt something,  hope, it was basically screaming at me that they have hope and if I go with them I might manage to make it out of this apocalypse alive. I then murmured what are your names? The girl with blue and purple stripes in her hair said "Stevie is my name don't wear it out". The second girl had glasses that fit her face perfectly said her name. "Summerray ". As if a wrecking ball of emotions hit me I felt an attraction to her. I don't know if it was her blonde hair, rosy cheeks,  or her adorable glasses but I felt something for her. Love. We all walked down the hallway in silence,  we then stopped at one of the kindergarten classrooms and walked in.

      We started to pick up all of the lunch boxes then I heard foot steps. I reached into my backpack and pulled out my knife. I silently crept out of the door into the hallway,  I knew a flesh- eater would be out there but I didn't expect it to be someone I used to know. It was my ex boyfriend Trevor. He looked terrible,  Well he was a flesh - eater so he sorta is supposed to look terrible,  but he looked like something that crawled out of a gruesome horror movie. Trevor smelled like rotting flesh,  had skin dangling off of his face, and the only way I recognized him was the fact that a speck of his very pale blue eyes still remained on his newly blood stained eyes that were slowly being filled completely with red since he was bitten. The gory corpse that used to be my baby Trevor ran at me, I stuck my knife in his lungs, hot thick blood leaked out of the wound drenching my hand in the red substance,  disgusting I'm going to need like five bottles of germ -x to get this off of me. With the opportunity I slammed the corpse into the wall and pushed the tip of my knife into his skull.

      I turned around and saw Summerray and Stevie holding about eight lunch boxes between both of them,  they looker speechless so I just stood up and said "What? You've never seen a girl kill a flesh-eater before? "

Chrissys POV.

   As Jace and I walked towards the water fountain I felt as if we were being followed. It's probably just me being paranoid but I'm going to tell Jace anyway. I looked at Jace and said "do you feel like we are being followed ". Have then looked alert and pushed me behind him, the lights began to flicker and each light began to shut off one by one.

   We began to run but a strong pair of arms grabbed my waist. I screamed Jace!  Help!  Ad loud as I could.  From what I could make out in the darkness Jace was being attacked by five it more people. A cloth that reaked of chemicals was then pressed up against my face, my mind was fading and everything turned to black. I could hear Jace yelling leave Chrissy alone before I blacked out.

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        I woke up with the sunlight burning my eyes,  the window curtains were open exposing the open space that held a home for the zombies. I tried to get up but I couldn't,  I was tied to a chair with a jump rope. I jump rope seriously , they couldn't find anything better.

       I could hear the door opening so I said was who's there ? Oh just your favorite boy in the world.  It was Ed the jerk off who attacked us. Haha yeah right in your dreams Ed, you're my least favorite guy in the universe I said.  Ed then stepped in front of me and said "Okay sweetie I'll make it simple,  you tell me where the little princess Sky and the others are and where your camp is and I will set you free,  if you don't Jace dies and you will be held captive,  forever." That struck a nerve I let my temper get the best of me and I yelled never you evil freak! I will never tell you where they are! You'll have to kill me first ! Ed stepped a bit closer and I kicked him in the gut, Ed made an unpleasant groaning noise which caused me to laugh like a seal.  Ed made a sarcastic laugh and said "you want to play rough sweetie, I'll play rough to and I guarantee I will win." I knew what Ed meant when he said rough,  when we were in middle school we fought a lot and it took about three to four teachers to pull us off of each other (stop laughing to the pervs who read that dirty cough cayla cough).  I am in some deep crap , physically and mentally. 

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