Ch.14 Fight Until The Heart Stops

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  Ed's POV

So Chrissy do you understand why your 'friends' need to be taken out?' I said in a fake sad tone. Honestly this girl is a idiot! She believes that I’m her boyfriend like seriously how stupid are you. “Yes, of course I see why” Chrissy said in a soft tone, she's sad and has a feeling of regret, good we just need to turn that depressed feel into anger and rage. DJ then knocked on the door and I made a gesture for him to come in. “Ed we need to talk” DJ said, swiftly I rose from my chair and exited the room into the hallway.

“What do you need DJ?” I said in a demanding tone, clearly telling him to hurry up and spill the ever so important news. “Sky and her group are planning on attacking up, taking Chrissy back, and leaving the school” DJ said. Hell will have to break over before I let that happen. “DJ bring me three computers,a brain box from the robotics classroom, and a cellphone, they're not getting away that easy” I said, words basically rolling off my tongue like a pen to paper.

If those pathetic fools believe that they will be able to kill me they are wrong. Nobody ever kills me, if I am going to go down I sure will bring them down with me. “Oh and DJ” I said “tell everyone that I have news for them in twenty minutes.” I refuse to let anyone in my group perish because of Sky and her group, blood will spill but enough to kill. If a cat and mouse game is what they want who am I to stop them? As long as we portray the cat anyway.

If I can, which I will, create a tracking device out of the parts I have asked DJ to assemble for me we can hook it to the bus and follow Sky and her group to where ever they think they're going next. Sky and Chase will be the last ones to die though. I will kill all of them off one by one, making their fear grow like weeds. They will regret ever trying to defy me. Because of them I have lost so much. My arm from Sky, my body is bruised to an almost black thanks to Chase, and to top it off I have lost my power over everyone in the school.

An eye for an eye as Sky would say, well she better keep her word because I can promise that I will hold her to it.

Everyone is here Ed” DJ then said, I turned around to face my group. “Sky and her group have a plan” I said, looks of fear and worry then sprouted among almost everyone until I finished by saying “but I have created one to counter theirs.” Jc then said “what's your plan Ed?” I smirked then said “I will build a tracking device that we can hook up to the bus Sky plans on using as their escape automobile, then we can follow them and reek havoc to them wherever they go,killing one of them at a time until just Sky and Chase remain.”      

Everyone nodded in agreement to my plan then left. Great, now I can begin working on the tracking device.


Finally we have a revenge plan against Sky! I want that girl dead, she has been nothing but annoying since freshman year. Always being adored by teachers, getting good grade and knowing everything about everything, and to top it off being nice to everyone! But I want her to die in pain, not just the standard physical pain I want her to die in mental pain as well. 

Maybe we can force Sky to kill Chase, you can tell that they are together I mean you can practically smell the love in the air. Also I heard them talking to each other about their relationship and their plan while I was getting water with Ruby. If our group is ever going to have any chance at taking down sky's I need to teach these girls how to fight. It is already unlikely that they will survive this fight but maybe they will at least have a chance now, well except Chrissy. She can at least fight plus Ed has her wrapped around his finger so he may want to keep her around.

Move into the hallway ladies it is time to teach you all how to fight” I said like a Sargent to the cadets. Thankfully they all listened with no complaints, hey maybe they actually want to survive! All of them got in a line and I announced “do you all know how to punch and kick?” They all softly mumbled “no” except Chrissy, unsurprisingly, said “I do” in an over confident tone. “Fine then Missy hit me with your best shot” I said while crossing my arms. “Gladly” she said with a cocky smirk while taking a step towards me. She stood there for a moment or two before she finally lifted her arm and threw a single punch at me. I caught her fist in one swift motion then threw her onto the ground. “This is going to be a long day” I scoffed under my breath.

Sky's POV

We all walked threw the silent hallways, evil grins being plastered onto our faces as we thought about revenge. My bat and pipe are guaranteed to inflict an excruciating amount of pain I thought to myself with the image of beating Ed with my pipe. Chase then kicked open the double doors, we all practically ran threw them, clearly we can all tell that we are all excited for some fighting action.

We all walked up the stairs, being as silent as humanly possible. Once I reached the top of the stairs a tingle of pain shot threw my spine as a image of every evil thing they did to us ran threw my mind. Kidnapping me, murdering Jace, torturing us, making me and Chase fight, and finally just being despicable human beings. That's when we stormed threw the doors to face Ed and his group.

Ed didn't look in the least bit surprised, he only smiled brightly and said “oh come so soon? Well we're prepared for a good fight.” Anger flowed freely threw my veins, Ed's presence just making it intensify by the second. “Where's Chrissy?” I said in a demanding tone, Ed only giggled. Did he honestly think this was funny? Of course he's a sick excuse for a human being. With a fake surprised face on Ed said “oh you don't know yet, your darling friend Chrissy has joined us, so if you're here to kill us Princess you'll have to kill her as well.” 

My heart shattered into a million pieces and begged for answers as to why she'd do this to us but now is not the time to cry or break down in any way. Chrissy made her choice, she knows who she is going against. She knows better than anyone that if you fuel my fire I will burn you.

I pulled Chase to me and said “plans are changed, Ed is my kill, they're all going to die today.” Chase nodded, worry in his eyes, he then said “Okay I'll always have your back Sky, even if you're a deranged psycho.” “Awe did the princess finally get her prince?” Ed said in a baby voice. Chase then snapped “at least I have someone Ed, you have one arm what girl would go for you?” Ed only laughed then said “I already have a girlfriend Chase” he then paused, looked me in the eyes, then said “and her name is Chrissy.”

That is the final straw. I am done with these sick little games. My humanity then left as I gripped my pipe and ran towards Ed, blood lust controlling me.                 

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