Chapter Four

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Chapter Four

I would love being married to Katniss, but I would just rather it was real. Not because the Capitol is making us. I want it to be on our own terms. I want it to be because she actually loves me. However, there's no way around it. We'll get married because the Capitol made us. Not because we both love each other and can't live without each other.

I look out the window to still see the snow flurrying down. The fat snowflakes freezing on the ground just like I need to do to my heart. I just need to freeze my feelings for Katniss so that I can't be hurt any further, especially with the looming prospect of this fake feeling wedding. I need to ask Haymitch about what I should do. He's the only one I can count on it this situation.

I eventually fell asleep because the next thing I know the sun is rising. The beautiful mix of colors lighting the sky with hues of blue, purple, pink, orange, and yellow. As soon as the sun is peeking over the horizon there is a rapping at my door. Of course it Effie wanting me to get up and ready for the day. I get up rather slowly, pulling on the clothes that are on the top of my chest of drawers. I really don't care if it matches or not. My prep team will work on me again today anyway. I head down to the dining car, but stop before entering as I hear Katniss's voice on the other side of the door.

"Why? It's too cold for anything to show," Katniss complains.

"Not in District Eleven," Effie chirps in her all too cheery voice.

This is where Rue is from. I can't imagine how hard this is going to be for Katniss. Rue was her friend in ally in the Games. I will stay by her side throughout this part of trip weather she wants me to or not. I'll always be there for her. I can't help it. I can't help how I feel.

"Where's everybody else?" I hear Katniss asks, annoyance colors her voice.

"Oh, who knows where Haymitch is," Effie blows off Katniss's question. "Cinna was up late working on organizing your garment car. He must have over a hundred outfits for you. Your evening clothes are exquisite. And Peeta's team is probably still asleep."

"Doesn't he need prepping?" she says with more annoyance than before.

"Not the way you do."

I turn around. I'll just skip breakfast today. Katniss sounds mad that I don't need as much "prep". I'll just stay away until she's calmed down about it. Besides, I'm not feeling very hungry. I'll go to my painting car. I've been working on a painting that I would love to finish. I brought my current work in progress from my house.

Just as I'm finishing, there is a knock on the door. Paint is smeared across my hands, and mixture of colors in my pallet.

"Come in," I call as I'm cleaning my brush in the cup of now dirty water.

"Peeta, time to get you ready." Lourdes opens the door and gasps. "Peeta, these are wonderful."

She looks around as I continue washing the sunset orange from my brush. "Thanks."

I turn around and put my brush away with the rest of my art supplies that were brought with us.

"You really have a talent for painting." She continues walking around observing all my paintings. She stops at the most recent one. "Did you just finish this one?"

"Yeah, it's the sunset from the cave Katniss and I stayed in during the Games."

She turns suddenly. "Well, we best be off. We need to get you ready before lunch."

She grabs my arm and pulls me down the hall. We spend the next half hour getting me ready for later today. It's a lot of the usual: having me shower, styling my hair, and putting me into whatever Portia has designed for me.

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