Chapter Eleven

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Chapter Eleven

The announcement flashes off the screen,and resumes its note all program. I get up and go to the kitchen. I need something else to do. Watching the news, the only real station we have, bogs down my mind. I need a clear mind to keep my head straight while Katniss makes her plan. And thankfully I know just how to distract my mind, baking.

I root through my cupboards searching for the ingredients I need to make a batch of cookies. It doesn't take long to find what I'm looking for in my fully stocked house. I mix all the ingredients in a big bowl. I round them into small balls and put them on the greased cookie sheet. I put the cookies in the oven and start making the homemade frosting to top the cookies. Finishing with the frosting, the timer for the oven goes off. I frost the cookies after they cool and put the them on a plate to bring to Katniss's.

I knock on the door, and it's opened by Katniss's mother. Two Peacekeepers are standing behind her in the kitchen.

"Hello, Peeta. Here I'll take these," she says taking the plate from my hands.

"Thank you," I nod my head, looking at the Peacekeepers from the corner of my eyes. "I better be going. It was nice seeing you."

"Not so fast, boy," one of the Peacekeepers says.

I turn back and walk into the house. Entering the house, the Peacekeeper who talked nods toward a chair at the table.

The other Peacekeeper says, "What are you doing here?"

"I was just bringing some cookies for the Everdeen's," I say smoothly.

"And where is Miss Katniss?" the Peacekeeper questions.

"I don't know. Maybe at her cousins'," I shrug.

"You're saying she is with Mr. Hawthorne?" the Peacekeeper says.

"Probably," I say shrugging again.

"She should be home soon for dinner," Katniss's mother speaks up.

The Peacekeepers turn away, staring out the window. I guess, I'm being held prisoner here now. Soon there is a knock on the door. Mrs. Everdeen opens the door to Haymitch. He seems to be surprised by the Peacekeepers in the house.

"May we ask what you're doing here?" the man says.

Mrs. Everdeen answers before Haymitch can. "I'm so glad you could make it for dinner, Haymitch."

The Peacekeepers nod their heads, not really buying the whole dinner thing.

Haymitch enters the house, sitting by me at the table. "Hello, Peeta. How have you been?"

"Good, good," I answer. "And you?"

"I've been better," he says laughing and slapping me lightly on the back.

We sit in silence for an hour, not being able to say anything due to the Peacekeepers. Haymitch eventually asks me to play chess with him. We move to the matching rocking chairs in front of the fire to begin our game. After several boring games, we hear the door open once again. Katniss walks in the house to the little surprise waiting for her.

"Hello," she says in a neutral voice glancing around at everyone.

Mrs. Everdeen hears Katniss and walks in to stand behind the Peacekeepers. "Here she is, just in time for dinner."

Katniss pulls her jacket off, "Can I help you with something?"

"Head Peacekeeper Thread sent us with a message for you," the woman says.

"They've been waiting for hours," her mother hedges.

"Must be an important message," Katniss says, raising her eyebrows.

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