Chapter Three

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Chapter Three

I sit there in complete silence. I can't move. The blood in my veins and arteries feel like it's frozen or not circulating. I can't tell. My body is locked up and tingling. Eventually, I can move, and it feels like a rush of fresh blood washes through me. It's like that slight pain you get when blood starts flowing back into a body part that the circulation was previously cut off from.

I climb the stairs shakily. My legs buckling with every step. Once in the shower, the hot pelting water, stings my skin and increases the tingling. Even with the water scalding hot, I still feel cold.

I guess I should have been expecting Snow's visit. We did create quite a commotion with our little "stunt". But, I would have acted like he told me too. I would have done it without his threatening. I would have done it because . . . well . . . because Katniss may not love me the way I love her, but I'm still determined to show her I love her. I can't live without her, and I would do anything to show that to her, to prove it to her.

I hear horns honking and shouted greetings at multiple vehicles approaching. They've arrived. Snow must be gone now. Or he might be waiting to see if I do what I'm supposed to do. Or he might be on his way back to the Capitol. He surely has spies or other means to make sure I do as he told me.

I just step out of the shower and pull on some clothes when my team come bursting through the door. "Peeta!" they screech.

"Oh, look how much you've grown," says Lourdes. I doubt I've grown. If anything, my hair is longer than it was during the Games, because they haven't been here to force me to keep it trimmed.

I examine my team as they begin to show their distaste at my lengthy hair. It's not that long truly. Half an inch, an inch maximum, longer than before. Lourdes has changed her hair color from lime green to neon pink, and Sal changed his from sky blue to sunset orange. The always vibrant colors signs of the Capitol lifestyle.

Lourdes talking about how big the Games were as she cuts my hair. According to her, the Capitol is very excited for Katniss and my return to the Capitol after the Victory Tour. And most of all, the Capitol is building excitement for the Quarter Quell. The third Quarter Quell. Every twenty-five years a Quarter Quell is held. The second one is the one Haymitch won almost twenty-five years ago.

"Isn't it exciting? Don't you feel lucky?" Lourdes asks but not giving me time to answer. "You get to be a mentor this year!"

The Quarter Quell is just like any of the other years Games but with a twist. The last one had forty-eight tributes instead of twenty-four. What will be this one's torture?

Lourdes continues with her little speech, "Haymitch will be getting a lot of attention. He did win the last Quarter Quell." She soon launches herself into her small city life (even though the Capitol is huge, everyone there lives a very naive and sheltered life) not knowing really what people deal with all the way here in District Twelve.

After an hour of preparation, I'm allowed downstairs where Portia is waiting for me. She dresses me in something simple for once and doesn't question me or try to talk. She seems to sense my need to just think. I need to absorb what happened today.

Effie arrives in my house. "We're right on schedule!" she says ordering me into position in front of my study door. All I have to do is talk about my paintings. I explain each painting that is hanging or positioned around the room. Then, I go over to my current work in progress and explain the process I take to get each color exact, the process I take in remembering and recreating every small detail.

"Attention, everyone! We're about to do the first outdoor shot, where the victors greet each other at the beginning of their marvelous trip," Effie announces after I finish up my segment.

Soon, I'm shoved out the door. The sun glinting off the snow is blinding. Small crystals of light reflecting in every direction. I squint to spot Katniss, her face breaks into a huge grin. I know she's acting for the camera, but my heart literally stops. I feel the ache in my chest as she runs toward me. I catch her spin her once in a circle. It doesn't last long before my prosthetic leg catches on a patch of ice and I slip taking her down with me. We fall with her on top of me. Her face close to mine. Her lips inches from mine. She doesn't move slowly as she closes the distance between us to kiss me. Her lips are as soft as I remembered. My heart contracts. Despite the meaning behind the kiss being the opposite of what I want, I can't help the contentment and happiness that flows through me with knowing Katniss is in my arms and kissing me. The kiss ends too fast for my liking. If things were to go to my liking, Katniss would be in love with me, and our kisses would never end.

After our kiss, we are both slightly breathless as we help each other back up. The day passes quickly, and soon we're boarding the train to the first District on the Tour. Katniss goes to bed early, and I head off to my room shortly after. I sit on the edge of my bed and wonder why do we have to act. I love her and the Capitol is telling her she has to love me back. If she doesn't love me, she shouldn't be forced to. That's not what I want. No one should ever have to do that. If I'm not what makes her happy . . . if I'm not what makes her world go 'round . . . then we shouldn't pretend to be together. She deserves her chance at happiness, and she'll never get that now because the Capitol will never leave us alone. Every year they'll bring back the romance since we'll be mentors. We'll have no private lives. There is only one option left for us. We'll have to do everything the Capitol expects of us for the rest of our lives.


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