Chapter Fourteen

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Chapter Fourteen

I watch Katniss as she watches the District disappear behind us. Our home disappears into the gloom of the day, growing smaller and smaller with each passing second. I see her despair at not getting say goodbye, of not being able to tell her family goodbye.

"We'll write letter, Katniss. It will be better, anyway. Give them a piece of us to hold on to. Haymitch will deliver them for us if . . . they need to be delivered," I say trying to comfort her. It will give them something to hold on to from us. Something that no one will be able to take away from them.

She nods but doesn't say anything. She thens turns and walks away to her room. I don't follow. I can't follow her. She doesn't need me. She needs time. Time to get through all of what's just happened, but she doesn't know that she'll be returning. I won't this time though. It will be better that way. She'll be with Gale. It was all a ruse with the dresses and entertaining the Capitol. The Capitol wanted us to get married, and then they told us at least one of us are going to die. How disappointing that must be to the Capitol?

I slowly sink into one of the chairs in the car. Haymitch and Effie sit in the chairs opposite of me. None of talk but rather watch the outside. The passing scenery flashes past. We sit for several hours like this until Effie breaks the silence.

"Well, it's almost time for dinner. I'll go tell Katniss," she says, her voice lacking its usual happiness.

She walks towards Katniss's room while Haymitch and I wordlessly get up and held to the dining car.

We both take out seats still not talking. Effie comes in with Katniss trailing behind her slowly. They both wordlessly take their seats. None of us talk while our first course is put down on the table, and all through the first course none of us talk. After the second course is set down, I try to start a conversation tired of the quietness and tension.

"I love your new hair, Effie," I compliment.

"Thank you. I had it specially done to match Katniss's pin. I was thinking we might get you a golden ankle band and maybe find Haymitch a gold bracelet or something so we could all look like a team," she says, her voice has a little more life to it now, but still not as much as usual.

I guess she doesn't realize yet that the mockingjay is becoming a symbol of rebellion. Well, uprising in the Districts. In the Capitol it's a fashion statement; except, probably, to President Snow.

"I think that's a great idea. How about it, Haymitch?" I say trying to sound upbeat.

"Yeah, whatever," he replies.

I see how hard it is for him not to be drinking. I almost feel bad. Almost. But if we want Katniss to stay alive, he needs to be sober. He needs to have a clear mind to help me save Katniss.

The next course comes out and after the second is taken away, Katniss finally speaks up.

"Maybe we could get you a wig, too," she says trying to joke around.

Haymitch shoots her a glare meaning to leave him alone.

We eat the rest of our dinner in silence until Effie breaks it this time.

"Shall we watch a recap of the reapings?" Effie suggests wiping her mouth with her pristine white napkin.

Effie, Haymitch, and Katniss all go to take seats in the other room. I dash to my room to grab my notebook filled with all my notes on the remaining Victors from other Districts. I walk in as the anthem begins playing. I quickly take my seat and open my notebook. Fifty-nine of the seventy-five Victors are still alive. Some of them are so old they are wasted away by drinks, drugs, or illness. Districts One, Two, and Four have the most Victors to choose from, but every District has at least one female and one male Victor left. As the Victors are chosen, I put a star by their name. Haymitch sits quietly watching, while Effie whispers comments and sighs often.

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