Chapter Twenty-seven

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Chapter Twenty-seven

The next thing I know is the ground is erupting like an earthquake. Dirt flies up. Trees burst into flame. The sky above is filled with colorful almost star-like objects. Fireworks. The Gamemakers are setting off fireworks with the destruction of the arena. The fireworks cause more destruction around me, around the rest of the tributes.

Will anyone live? Who will win the Games? Maybe no one. President Snow read from the a card.

". . . a reminder to the rebels that even the strongest among them cannot overcome the power of the Capitol . . ."

Not even the strongest of us will live. Maybe they never wanted a Victor to these Games. Maybe they just want to show everyone who is in charge and always will be in charge of us. They control our every move.

A hovercraft appears a little way off. Lifting a body up. I didn't hear a cannon, but that would be because of all the noise the fireworks are making. The hovercraft moves over slightly once the body is in. It picks up another body. Then over a little more, picking up, yet, a third body.

Suddenly another hovercraft appears above me. It's claw drops down to me. Enclosing around me, lifting me up into the air. My body unable to move, unable to cry out. I'm still paralyzed, but now it feels like an electric current is running through me. I'm lifted into the hovercraft. A Capitol hovercraft. I'm immediately faced with one of my worst fears. President Snow. His hand reaches out for my face, sliding my eyelids closed. I can't open my eyes no matter how hard I try. I let myself slip into unconsciousness.


When I wake up, I'm on a padded table. My wrists are tied down, restraining me. My legs are also tied down, not letting me move. A voice comes from the side of me, but I can't even move my head to face the voice.

"Peeta Mellark," the cold snake voice of President Snow says.

I can't speak, my eyelids slid close again. They feel heavy. My brain feels foggy.

A hand slaps my cheek. My eyelids snap open. "Where did they go?" Snow says, his voice full of venom.

My eyes slid closed once more. I can't fight the pull of my eyes. I drift off into unconsciousness. What does he mean? 'Where did they go?' Where did who go? 


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