Chapter Seven

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Chapter Seven

My heart stops at the news. Well, of course it doesn't actually stop, but I feel like all the blood in my body has stopped coursing.

I can't let this happen. I have to pretend I don't know anything is wrong. I need to go attend the festivities like the country isn't crashing down. And that's what I do.

The festivities are better than any other year. Most likely due to the fact that the Capitol provided everything this year. Usually we just have a small meal with our families. This year the whole District has a feast. A feast full of the finest foods the Capitol has to offer. It's like the banquet at the Capitol all over again, except a bit more enjoyable since I'm surrounded by people that I actually know.

That was all a week ago, though. It will all soon be forgotten. Everyone has gone back to their regular lives and jobs. But, I haven't forgotten what I saw on the TV in the Mayor's house: the District Eight uprising. I can't help but think it's all my fault. Katniss and I didn't convince the Districts. It was our one job to do. We were supposed to convince the Districts of our love to each other. Will there be more uprisings? Undoubtedly. I don't know how the Capitol will keep Eight's uprising secret. At least they can't forever. Maybe a while. Maybe long enough for Katniss and I to fix everything. I don't know how we'll do it, but we have to keep trying though.

I can't take it anymore. I've been pacing across my bedroom all day, just thinking about the uprising and what should I do. Is there anything I can do? There must be. There has to be.

I grab my coat, putting it on, and I leave my house. I know I should tell Katniss and Haymitch what I saw on the TV, but how do I bring it up? I can't very well just say 'Oh, I was basically watching something that I very obviously wasn't supposed to be watching.'

As I'm leaving Victor's Village, I run into Katniss. I know she's been hunting. I can tell by the bag she carries over her shoulder, surely stuffed with what's she hunted and gathered today. I wish she would stop. She could get caught. They're lacked on the hunting laws here, but that doesn't mean they will forever. Especially with the Capitol watching us more because of Katniss and I.

"Been hunting?"

"Not really. Going to town?"

"Yes. I'm supposed to eat dinner with my family." I'm not really supposed to but my dad will be happy to see me.

"Well, I can at least walk you in." she says.

I can tell she wants to tell me something. She's been gnawing on her lips like she does when she's nervous.

"Peeta, if I asked you to run away from the District with me, would you?" she says in a hurry. She says it so quietly, it's hard to hear.

I grab her arm, forcing her to stop walking. "Depends on why you're asking."

"President Snow wasn't convinced by me. There's an uprising in District Eight. We have to get out."

I act like the uprising is new information to me. "By 'we' do you mean just you and me? No. Who else would be going?"

"My family. Yours, if they want to come. Haymitch, maybe." she shrugs as if it's no big deal.

She's had to include Gale in that list. I know how close they are. Closer than I am to her. She wouldn't leave him behind. "What about Gale?"

"I don't know. He might have other plans."

I shake my head. I give her a rueful smile. "I bet he does," I mutter. "Sure, Katniss, I'll go."

"You will?" she asks surprised.

"Yeah. But I don't think for a minute you will." I know she won't go without Gale.

She jerks her arm away from me. "Then you don't know me. Be ready. It could be any time." She takes off walking down the road again toward the Square.

I follow a step or two behind. "Katniss." She keeps walking, ignoring me. "Katniss, hold up." She kicks some snow off the road, but lets me catch up. "I really will go, if you want me to. I just think we better talk it through with Haymitch. Make sure we won't be making things worse for everyone." I stop in my path. I hear something being hit. "What's that?"

I have to find out what it is. "Come on."

Reaching the square, there is a huge crowd. There is some crates right beside me that I quickly scale up the closest one. I offer her my hand so she can see too. When she's half way up, I block her way. It's to horrible for her to see. "Get down. Get out of here!" I whisper.

"What?" She tries to force me out of the way, but I stand my ground.

"Go home, Katniss! I'll be there in a minute, I swear!" It will break her heart to see this.

She yanks away from me, pushing her way through the crowd. I look back at the scene. Gale's bound to a post. A wild bird hangs above him. He must have shot it earlier in the day. That must be why they're doing this to him. His jacket had been thrown on the ground and kicked to the side. His shirt torn off and lying in tatters. He's unconscious on his knees. His head is bowed forward, hanging limply. The ropes the thing holding him up. Gale's back is completely covered in blood and raw, torn skin.

A man I haven't seen before stands behind Gale. A whip at the ready in his hand. I recognize his uniform; it's the one that belongs to the Head Peacekeeper. But it isn't the Head Peacekeeper I know. It's not Cray. This man is taller and harsher looking. He raises his arm to whip Gale again. I climb off the crate and start making my way through the crowd. I have to find Katniss.


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