Chapter Twenty-one

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Chapter Twenty-one

The mist comes towards us touching my skin. The tiny droplets of water is searing against my skin, burning my flesh.

"Run! Run!" Katniss screams.

I make it to my feet as Finnick wakes and grabs Mags before running. My brain is kind of fuzzy, not completely awake. I feel Katniss grab my arm and pull me along after Finnick and Mags.

"What is it? What is it?" I repeat as we stumble through the jungle.

"Some kind of fog. Poisonous gas. Hurry, Peeta!" she urges me.

The force field hit took more out of me than I let on. My limbs are still tired and heavy like lead weights. I trip over the undergrowth with almost every step I take. Every tree root causes my step to stumble more. Katniss locks her fingers with mine and continues practically dragging me along.

"Watch my feet. Just try to step where I step," Katniss instructs.

I watch her as well as I can in the dark and this helps some but the fog is still right on our tail. Small drops escape the advancing line of fog, leaping out at us like frogs. The droplets the burn but not like that of a fire, more like a chemical burn. The jumpsuits we wear are no help against the droplets of misty fog. I hear Finnick's voice ahead of us, shouting encouragement.

My artificial leg catches on the undergrowth, and I sprawl forward on the jungle. The left side of my face feels like it's sagging as Katniss helps me up off the ground.

"Peeta--" Katniss begins and suddenly stops.

Katniss yanks me forward causing me to stumble more. The fog now surrounds us. I try to walk but the fog seems to make my legs twitch uncontrollably. Suddenly I lurch forward, Finnick pulling me forward. Katniss helps haul me along. About ten yards they drag me before Finnick stops.

"It's no good. I'll have to carry him. Can you takes Mags?" Finnick asks Katniss.

"Yes," Katniss simply replies.

Finnick settles Mags down and slings me across his shoulder. I can see the fog still advancing towards us. Finnick clears a path for Katniss to follow. I glance at Katniss as she falls under Mags weight. She tries to get up and can't. Mags has rolled off her into the vegetation.

"Finnick," I call. "Katniss and Mags."

He turns and returns to where Katniss is on the ground.

"It's no use. Can you take them both? Go on ahead, I'll catch up," Katniss says.

All I can think is no. We can't leave Katniss is here. She won't make it out of this fog otherwise.

"No. I can't carry them both. My arms aren't working. I'm sorry, Mags. I can't do it."

What happens next happens fast. I can't be really sure I see it clearly. Mags hauls herself up from the undergrowth, plants a kiss on Finnick's lips, and makes her way into the horrible, threatening fog. The fog descends on Mags like the pack of dogs descended on Cato. Her frail body falls to the ground, her limbs twitching from the fog.

Katniss is on her feet now; she takes a small careful step towards the twitching body of Mags. The cannon fires, signalling a death. Mags' death.

"Finnick?" Katniss questions.

But Finnick has already turned away from the fog and Mags, carrying me he continues on his way. Soon Finnick collapses to the ground in pain and exhaustion at the edge of the jungle. Katniss keeps continuing until she trips over our bodies. Finnick groans as Katniss's body falls on us. She rolls her body off the pile looking back at the line of fog.

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