Chapter Sixteen

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Chapter Sixteen

Haymitch makes his way forward and grabs Katniss's wrist. I can't believe Darius is an Avox. His price for trying to help Gale is serve the Tributes of District Twelve for the rest of his life? The price costs him his tongue? I want to speak to him, but if I even make a move to say that I know him, somehow other than the fact that he is the new Avox, he will be punished.

Katniss breaks free from Haymitch's grip. She hurries off to her room. I hear the quiet click of the lock as she locks the door behind her. I don't look at anyone as I walk off to my own room. Shutting the door behind me, I sit on my bed and stare blankly at the wall.

Eventually, I get off the waist high bed and head to the bathroom. The bright lights temporarily blind me, but that's most likely due to the fact that I left the lights off in my bedroom. When the flashes clear from my vision, I walk over to the sink. I turn the tap on letting the cold water run. I put my hands under the water, feeling the ice cold water run over my hands. Cupping my hands, I let them fill with water. Then, I splash the water on my face. The water drips off my face and onto the white counter. I grab the white towel from its place on the rack and gently wipe the water off my face before I wipe the drips off the counter.

I hear a soft knock on my bedroom door and Effie's quiet voice. "Peeta, dinner's ready."

I quickly walk back into my room and throw on a pair of pants and a white t-shirt. Opening the door, I make my way into the dining room. Everyone else is seated at the table except for Katniss. When Katniss arrives, we start dinner. Dinner is a quiet affair with small talk about the opening ceremonies between us. After dinner, we go into the front room and sit in front of the TV to watch a recap of the opening ceremonies. This year only a few comments are shared unlike last year when there was a whole conversation on each of the Tributes.

As the ceremonies end Katniss stands up and thanks Portia and Cinna before heading back to her room. Effie calls a reminder to meet early for breakfast. I sit for a few more minutes before I get up myself and head off to bed. Before heading to my room, I stop at Katniss's door and softly knock. There's no answer so I slowly make my way to my room shutting the door behind me; I sit back on the bed.


The following morning, my muscles are sore, and I haven't moved from the position I fell asleep in. I stretch, getting out of bed. I put the outfit Portia has chosen for me to wear to training today. I open the door and head to the dining room. I walk in and take a seat at the table with a hungover Haymitch. I fill my plate with food and begin eating while we wait for Katniss.

"So, I guess I'll give you the plan," Haymitch grumbles. "First, stay in love."

"Got it," I say swallowing the food I had in my mouth.

"Two, make friends," Haymitch goes on.

"Why? I would rather just have Katniss and me." I express my opinion.

"It won't be enough. You need allies," Haymitch explains.

That is the end of the discussion. Whatever Haymitch says goes. When I'm done eating Katniss still hasn't arrived at the table. I look at Haymitch, who is beginning to be fed up with Katniss not showing. I see something shining from his wrist. A gold band with flames. This must be what Effie was talking about. Haymitch pushes away from the table stalking off to Katniss's room. I can hear him shouting at her through the door to come down to breakfast. He stumbles back into the room and takes another long swig from his bottle of liquor. It's another five minutes before Katniss makes her appearance in the dining room.

"You're late," Haymitch snarls at Katniss.

"Sorry. I slept in after the mutilated-tongue nightmares kept me up half the night," says Katniss, her voice catching at the end of the sentence.

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